{Ch.9} Running Away Would Be Great Right Now

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There was stiff tension that surrounded your new group of friends; it built another wave of anxiety over you. Avoiding any eye contact was your goal as well as wishing to be left alone. Apparently they noticed your discomfort and took it as a sign of rejection from Chiron.

"Don't let what he said get to you." Frank said gently.

"I won't." You promised. "But I do have a question." They perked their attention to your need. "How are the teams divided?"

Annabeth's face lit up. "Well I'm glad you asked. There's a chart over there," She pointed to a bulletin board near the center of the mess hall. "But I memorized where everyone goes so there would be no ambushes. So, the red team consists of Cabins 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 15, 19 and 20. It sounds like a lot, but some cabins are very little in numbers. The blue team is made of Cabins 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18 and you!"

"So... the cabins are assigned to a god?"

"Yes, in order it's Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, Dionysus, Hades," She took a breath."Iris, Hypnos, Nemesis, Nike, Hebe, Tyche and Hecate."

"I'll try to remember that." There was no way you could remember that. "Thank you for sticking up for me."

"It was no problem, I can't stand when Chiron keeps secrets." Annabeth sounded miffed.

"We can still trust him, though. He must of had his intentions." Nico still wanted to trust him. It didn't seem like Chiron was a sinister character, he was caring to all of his campers.

"Even so, but it doesn't excuse him for acting that way towards (Y/n)." Piper argued.

"Lets just drop it." Percy just wanted to get back to his table. He didn't want everyone to get worked up before the game or else they may have tired themselves out by then. "I can't wait to be working with you (y/n)."


"(Y/n)! At your right!"

Your attention flicked toward the flying fire arrow aimed your torso. With a little extra boost of energy, you sped up enough that it barely grazed your armor. Running through the woods in the dark was one thing, but knowing 60 people after you made it almost impossible to enter the game willingly.

Even with armor, you felt like you didn't stand a chance. The only thing you had was an all metal spear and breastplate. You were worried that anything else would wear you down faster. Man I really should've worked out more.

Percy pushed through 5 kids Demeter kids and knocked one over. They looked like they were ready to make a vine trap but your team had no time for that.

Piper and Leo had your back as you rushed forward and joined Percy. It had been about 9 minutes into the game and we had already crossed into enemy territory.

Inspecting around the dim forest, you could make out a few people quickly maneuver through the shrubs. You rushed forward and pulled Percy back, any further and he would've been launched into a tree. God these kids are horrifying.

As you raced forward, you made sure to keep an eye out for your surroundings. The little trick from before wasn't going to work. Yet as you were following Percy to the enemy flag, you sensed something. The sensation was like a tugging feeling in your belly. But since there was no initial reason, you decided to ignore it.

Maybe it was just the rush of actually participating in something active, or maybe it was the paranoia creeping up your spine as anyone could take you down easily. You knew you weren't built for fighting, but you were damned if you were going to let down your team. The plan was to act as a decoy so Percy could steal the flag and win.

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