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"Hey...~ Scott!~", Amber saw Scott sitting alone at the cafe. She approaches him but stop midway. A bunch of female hoobaes (juniors) went up to him and Scott was laughing while chatting with them.

"I guess... He don't feel much with my absence.", Amber let out a sigh. It's been a week since they talked to each other.

Suddenly, Amber felt like her legs weaken again. That strange feeling is back.

"Oh...? You alright?", Someone catches Amber before she fell. She tried to free herself from him but he slip his hand around her waist and pulled her up. Their face were just a few inches away from each other.

"The name is Kris.", Amber heard him said. She frowned a little, "What a weird way to introduce himself.".

She nodded and simply replied "Amber.".

He smiled, still wrapping his hand around her.

"What are you doing!?", Scott scowled at Kris, pushing him away from Amber. Scott grabbed Amber by the wrist and pulled her behind him.

"Oh? You're not mad at me anymore?", Amber said almost immediately.

"Relax Kris! Don't screw up.", Kris thought to himself, tightening his fist.

"I was just trying to help her.", Kris took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself. Scott glared at him without saying anything.

Then, he pulled Amber away from the cafe, into the lecture hall. The whole time, he was quiet and Amber just followed without saying anything.

There's 20 minutes left before the lecture start. Amber fiddled her fingers nervously.

"I wasn't mad at you. You ignored me.", Scott voiced out suddenly, looking away.

"Me? No. You ignored me first! That's why, I ignored you!", Amber defended herself.

"When exactly did I ignore you, Amber?", Scott narrowed his eyes.

"The other day... Near the library. I called out to you. But you just walked past me! I thought you were mad cuz I was keeping secrets from you.", Amber explained.

"The psychology book you were reading? Oh my. I was not even mad, I was actually worried! PLUS... I did not even saw you outside the library nor heard you calling!", Scott bit his lower lips.

"But I...", Amber tried to continue but Scott interrupted, "Still friend?". He hold up his fist.

Amber smiled. "Friend it is!", Amber replied with a fist bump.

"I really did called out to you though, Scott. What exactly happened...?", Amber thought to herself and forced a smile.

"By the way.", Scott said and continued with a long pause. Amber leaned closer to listen but he did not continue.

"Scott?", Amber said impatiently.

"Errr... This one week was hell without you, Amber.", Scott's eyes flicked a little.

A lie. Amber detected almost immediately.

"No, you weren't trying to say this.", Amber raised her eyebrows.

Scott shook his head, "What do you mean? I intended to say that. You're really a precious friend of mine.". Amber hit him on the shoulder.

"Stay away from that guy.", Scott said it very fast. But, Amber caught each and every word of his.

"What? Who? Kris?", Amber looked confused.

"Don't ask why.", Scott continued and at that exact moment the lecturer came in. Amber really do wanted to ask WHY. She was rather disappointed by the lecturer's entrance.

Throughout the lecture all that she could hear was, "Stay away from that guy."


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