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"Oh?", Kris could no longer see Amber. Then, he realised Donghae was standing right infront of him.

"What were you trying to do?", Donghae raised his voice. Yoo Jung and Eun Hyuk was standing right next to Donghae.

"Oh? Where did Amber unnie went?", Yoo Jung uttered in confusion. She was sure she saw Amber with Kris but she could not find Amber anywhere.

"Why do you even care?", Kris slowly stood up. Instantly, Donghae was already grabbing Kris's collar, ready to punch him anytime.

"Shit? What was that Hae?", Eun Hyuk uttered. Yoo Jung was also shocked by what she just saw. One moment Donghae was standing beside and next he's already infront of Kris.

"You really can't see me?", Yoo Jung heard Amber voice from behind.

"What the... You were in front of me just now. Why are you..why..", Yoo Jung almost shrieked.

"I walked here. Right in front of you, I walked.", Amber looked confused.

"Don't ever do that to her again. Don't touch her. If not, I'll kill you even if it means losing my power.", Donghae sounded angry. He walked to Amber and pulled her hand, forcing her to follow him.

"That was your power?", Amber voiced out as soon as they were at a quieter place. He slowly loosen his grip.

"You possess two abilities?", She continued.

He shook his head. "Three."

"It's possible? To have three? Wait.. three?", She asks again.

He nods again. "Listening. I could listen from a distance

"If I'm not there just now on time...he would've kissed you.", Amber sense anger in his tone.

"Why are you doing this to me?", Amber choked on her words. She's already on the verge of crying. Donghae look flustered.

"Why are you...", Donghae look away.

"Stop playing with my feelings. If you act this way, I will misunderstand.", She continued.

"Then, just misunderstand.", He said, slightly blushing. Then, he quickly walk off, leaving Amber in a state of confusion.

"What is it?", Yoo Jung asked Amber as soon as she saw her in their room.

"What, what?", Amber replied without even looking. Yoo Jung threw her pillow which hits Amber's head directly.

"Ouch! WHAT?!", Amber glared at Yoo Jung.

"What's between you and Hae?", Yoo Jung continued asking.


"Stop lying, ass!"

"We are just friends. Friends.", Amber felt a little disappointed by the fact that they're just friend.

Yoo Jung wasn't satisfied by Amber's answer but she felt relieved, looking at Amber's disappointed expression. It means they're really just friends. Well, for now.

"Everyone come down. We'll be having dinner now!", A male professor voice could be heard.

Amber rushed down and quickly seated herself beside Scott.

"I know everything already. About MeU, I mean.", She said while keeping her hands busy, touching random things on the dining table.

"Sorry. I just...want to know where you are and what you do 24/7. Like a brother. Overly protective one.", Scott explains.

"We are of the same age.", Amber scoffed.

"I know. I just think of you like my younger sister. Don't know why. That's why I was worried when Kris approaches you. Afraid he might hurt you in the name of revenge.", Scott said.

Amber smiled. She knew Scott had always protects her and yes, he does nags like an older brother sometimes.

"Do you really like Yoo Jung?", Amber suddenly changed the topic.

"LOL! I was just joking. I just think she's pretty. That's all.", Scott laughed out hard. Amber releases a sigh of relief.

After about 10 minutes, everyone had gathered and they started feasting.

*Cough* *Cough*

Amber hold onto her chest.

"Hey, eat slowly... nobody's gonna take it from you!", Scott said ready to get up to get a cup of water.


A cup of water was placed in front of Amber before Scott could actually get it. She took it instantly and gulped it down at once.

"Thank you!", Amber looked up.


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