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"Woahh woah woah... you guys... let's not fight kay?", Scott voiced out as he sense the tension between Kris and Donghae.

"Ah...", Amber said, frowning. The grip on her legs was becoming tighter and tighter, until she could not hold in the pain anymore.

Upon realising Amber was in pain, Donghae quickly loosen his legs and frees her.

Donghae looked away in guilt. He did not realise that he was hurting Amber when he was feeling pissed off by Kris.


Donghae slammed the table and shoved Kris aside. "I'll go get some fresh air. Don't follow me.", Donghae said to Yoo Jung, as he knows that she might follow after him. He needed time alone. Yoo Jung just nodded obediently.

Everyone else was just looking confused. They did not understand the situation that they just witnessed. As for Amber, all that she could think of was to go after Donghae.

"Scott, I think I need to go to the washroom.", The lamest excuse that Amber could think of. As her bestfriend, Scott definitely sees through her lie. He just nods without exposing her.

Her eyes quickly wanders to search for Donghae. After walking for about 5 minutes, she saw a familiar silhouette.

It was quite deep into the woods. Apparently, nobody was there. He was just standing under a big tree, looking afar.

"Hae....sunbae-nim?", Amber called out shyly. At that point, she did not know what to call him as she rarely call out his name. She even added sunbaenim (senior) in case he felt offended and thought she was rude to call him Hae only.

He turned slightly and Amber could see the tips of his lips twitched.

"Hae... sounds nice when you call me that.", Donghae said, half-heartedly, without turning to face her. He was still feeling guilty for hurting her like that just now.

Ouch. She felt slightly hurt by the way he acted.

"Sorry. I guess I disturbed you.", Amber turned around as she said that.

She took barely three steps when she heard the leaves rustling and before she realised it, a pair of hands grabbed her by the waist.

She was pulled back and Donghae's long arms slowly wrapped around her waist.

"미안해요...(I'm sorry...)", Amber heard Donghae's deep voice right beside her ears.

Then, she felt him caressing her cheek with his cheek.

"Donghae...why are you doing this to me?", Amber said in an awkward tone.

"I didn't meant to hurt you just now...", Donghae continued, still in the same position.

"Cheh! Guess me right! Amber Josephine Liu... you lied about going to the washroom.", Scott uttered as he uses his power to see where Amber at.

"Stop watching me, Scott!", Amber frees herself from Donghae when she felt like someone watching her again. This time she knows exactly why and who is watching her.

Scott quickly withdraw his power and uttered "Shit.".

"I can't control his power... but I'm capable of this.", Donghae used his power to make them invisible. Slowly he leaned in but Amber took a step back.

"Sunbaenim.", Amber called him formally, trying to draw a line between them.

Donghae smirked. "Don't try to distance yourself from me.".

Donghae continued to go closer to her while smiling evilly. He make it seems that he was about to kiss her. Well, maybe he did intended to kiss her at some point.

She quickly turn and run away while holding her burning cheek.

"Haha... such a cutie.. If she did not run away... I might have ended up really kissing her. Good job in holding back Lee Donghae!", Donghae praised himself while looking at Amber running away.

After that incident, Amber barely looks at Donghae and always pretends not to notice him when he's nearby.


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