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"You must understand, this alliance is essential if our Kingdom is to prosper, Thorin."

The crowned Prince of Erebor huffed through his nose, "I would suppose that the security of our Kingdom matters more to you than my happiness with my future wife."

King Thror sighed in his throne and turned to his son, Thrain for support.

"My son, I know you do not want this marriage, I too had reservations against marrying a woman I did not know, or love at the time. But once you meet her, you may find your heart changing its mind." Thrain convinced.

But Dwarves were known for their stubbornness, none so much as Thorin, son of Thrain. "Do not speak as though you understand, you were married to a Dwarrowdam, not some She-Elf lady."

"Enough!" Thror barked rising from his throne. "You will wed Lady Arwen of Rivendell and that is the end of it!"


That was some 14 months ago. As it happened, Thrain was right, Thorin's heart had changed its mind and the marriage alliance between him and Arwen had blossomed into pure love. It was not long after they met that they had begun to fall for one another, and by the time of their wedding, they knew their love for one another was deep. And here he was all those months on, waiting impatiently the birth of their first child.

Thorin was drawn from his thoughts by the wails of a child echoing through Erebor's emerald halls. There was a rustle behind the door before it creaked opened and the midwives hurried out. The senior midwife, an elderly Dwarrowdam with greying hair, stepped out and curtsied to the Prince.

"My congratulations, Prince Thorin. You may see them now."

Thorin swallowed and nodded his thanks to the midwife who disappeared down the halls, no doubt to inform the King and other members of the royal court. Thorin stepped nervously into the room, his eyes finding his wife Arwen on the bed with a bundle held carefully in her arms.

"Thorin, my love, she is perfect." Arwen gushed.

"S-she?" Thorin stuttered.

"Yes, our little princess."

Thorin gingerly sat beside his wife and stared down at the small babe. "She has your beauty." Thorin observed, he leaned up to kiss Arwen's cheek gently. Arwen carefully passed her daughter to Thorin's waiting arms.

"But she has your eyes." Arwen whispered.

The baby girl stirred from the movement and peaked open tired eyes. They were a bright sapphire blue just like his own. "What shall her name be?"

Arwen was silent for a moment, thinking. "Thora, in common tongue. In my tongue she shall be known as Caladwel."

Thorin smiled lovingly as his child. "My little princess, my jewel of jewels, my Thora."


Though the days had darkened, Thorin and Arwen could not be happier with their beautiful girl of six. She'd been given many names because of her young beauty, the Elves would call her little star, and star of stars, and the dwarves would call her Durin daughter, jewel of jewels and little heart. She became the pride and joy of everyone in Erebor, and when she began to swing little training swords, they called her little warrior. 

Arwen was reading peacefully in her shared chambers with Thorin, who was training they daughter. A heavy flap of wings in the window drew her eyes from the words painted over the page. A black crow sat on the arm rest of her chair, a small folded piece of parchment clutched in his talons.

"My Lady, I bring word from your father." The bird croaked.

Arwen gently pride the letter from the crow's talons and ran her hand down its feathers, "Thank you."

The bird cawed and flapped away leaving Arwen to read the letter in privacy. Arwen folded the letter open and read over the familiar scribe of her father. As her eyes trained across every word carefully, her heart raced and worry rose in her chest and mind. She was startled from her worryings by the door opening and a flash of black locks rushing across the room.

"Mama!" The little girl threw herself at Arwen, wrapping her little arms around her middle.

Arwen's arms coiled around her daughter out of instinct, "Hello my little star." Heavy footfalls followed Thora into the chambers.

"I thought you said you were tired?" Thorin grumbled, clearly exhausted.

Thora flashed a toothy grin and giggled at her father who shook his head with a smile. The Dwarf raised his eyes to his wife, immediately picking up on her distress. "Thora, go wash up please."

Thora frown and looked between her parents. "Now, Thora, please." The girl huffed but scurried away to the wash room.

Assuring she was out of earshot, Thorin walked over to Arwen with a concerned expression. "What troubles you, my love?"

Arwen held the letter out for Thorin to read, "This came from my father."

Thorin read over the letter multiple times, "No." He denied, "He cannot believe that this will happen. A dragon?"

"My father has the gift of foresight, you know this to be true. Many will perish in the fire, our daughter included if we do nothing." Arwen's voice was firm, he father's visions had never been wrong before, she was not about to doubt them now.

"Then what are we to do?" Thorin asked.

"Speak with Thror, convince him to rid Erebor of some of its treasure."

"He will not listen, you know that Arwen."

"Then you must make him, Thorin. This is our daughter, I will not let her die in dragon fire because of your grandfather's greed!" Arwen's voice grew louder as she spoke.

Thorin opened his mouth to agrue, but realised quickly there was nothing he could argue back. His Grandfather would never listen, as far as he was aware Elrond's visions have never been wrong, and if that be the case he could not risk his own daughter's life. "What would you have me do?"

"I am taking Thora to Rivendell, until we can be certain she and the Kingdom are safe." Arwen stated, her mind was clearly made up.

"Arwen, please."

"No, you can come with us if you wish. I do not wish to part with you, nor take our daughter away from her father, but if it means she will be safe then so be it." Arwen waited patiently for her husband's answer, though she knew deep down, he could never leave his home and forefathers.

Thorin bowed his head, his decision made but he had not the courage to say it. Thora skipped back into the room and paused looking between her parents. "Mama, what is it?"

"Caladwel, go pack your things, I will help you in a moment." Arwen's voice was shaking, on the verge of breaking.

"Where are we going?" Thora wondered.

"To Rivendell, my love. To stay with your Grandfather."

Thora beamed, "Really? For how long?"

"I-I do not know." Arwen looked away from Thorin and down to her daughter, she ran her fingers through her raven locks.

Thora frowned but leaned into her mother's touch. "Is Papa coming as well?"

Thorin could not bear to meet his daughter's eyes as Arwen spoke, "No, he has duties he needs to attend to here." There was hidden venom in Arwen's voice that went unnoticed by Thora.

But Thorin felt it deep in his heart. He knew he was letting the two people he loved most slip through his fingers, but he could not bring himself to forsake his pride as a Dwarf. Thora looked up at her father sadly, in search of his eyes, but they would not meet hers. 

Thorin watched from the gates of Erebor as the sun slowly rose as his two most prized possessions rode away. It was only now he realised that this might be the greatest mistake he would ever make in his life. His daughter would now know him as the father who chose his pride over his family, and the woman he loves may never love him again. In his life, this would be known as the first time Thorin, son of Thrain, cried. 

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