Chapter 5

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"Long live the King!"

"Long live the King!"

"Long live the King!"

The halls of Erebor were alive with cheers as Thorin sat in his throne, his rightful crown upon his head and the Arkenstone shining proudly above him. The King of silver fountains was home at last. And although the road to restoring the great Dwarven kingdom would be long and hard, the hope that was restored within it's people would make it all worth while. 

It had been a fortnight since the crowning of Thorin, and the plans of Erebor's reconstruction were underway. Thora had been at her father's side every step of the way helping him organise trading agreements with Dale and even Mirkwood. She had even convinced the return of Thranduil's jewels that belonged to his mother without a cost, thus securing the Elves' assistance in the rebuilding of Erebor. Thorin could not be more proud of his daughter, the only thing he was missing now was his wife, the woman he still loved. Everyday he would look out over the ramparts, watching and waiting for her to arrive. He hoped with all his heart that she would come to him, that she still loved him. Nothing would please him more than to have his family reunited once more. 

Thora, on the other hand, was missing more than just her mother and grandfather. At night she'd dream of grey eyes like the clouds before a storm, hidden under stray strands of dark brown hair, and soft lips pressed against her own in a dark, hidden corridor away from the rest of the world. Although their secret love was thrilling, she wanted nothing more than to tell her family of the man who claimed her heart. But they would never approve, she was a princess, she would never be allowed to marry a simple Ranger, and although she knew of his true heritage and birth right, a marriage between them would never be condoned.

It was late in the afternoon and the sun was slowly disappearing behind the Lonely Mountain. Thora was standing on the ramparts, leaning against the emerald stone with her chin on her palm. Her fingers absentmindedly drummed against her cheek. Every once in a while, she would heave a heavy breath and sigh, in boredom or longing she was not quite sure. She stirred from her trance when she noticed someone slump beside her on the ramparts.

"What has you so down, Cousin?" Kili wondered, playfully bumping his shoulder against her.

Thora cracked a small grin and bumped him back. Since being reunited with her family and returning to Erebor, she had become very close with her cousins once again, in the little spare time they had the three were often found sparing or hunting together in the forests. The three youngest Durins were near inseparable.

"Oh, nothing." Thora shrugged off.

Kili looked at her for a brief moment, "You miss your mother, and grandfather, don't you?"

Thora nodded, "It has been over a month since last I've seen them, in all my life I have not been from them or them from me this long."

Kili reached up and placed a firm hand on her shoulder, squeezing slightly in comfort. "Do not worry, Thora, you will see them again soon I promise."

Thora smiled gratefully at him before looking over the vast plains once again and folding her hands loosely in front of her. After a few moments, she felt Kili's stare and turned her head to face him.

"What?" She asked at the knowing grin etched on his face.

"There is someone else you're missing, am I wrong? Someone who is maybe more intimate then family or friend?"

Thora's cheeks took on a light shade of red, but Kili made no mention. "I-ah-no-ah.... perhaps." Thora gave up, knowing she could not hide this from her cousin.

"What's his name?" Kili asked in an overly joyful tone, he rested his chin on his hand and looked up at the woman with an impish grin.

Thora looked at him and rolled her eyes before looking over to Dale and the direction of Rivendell. "Aragorn. He is a Ranger from the north, raised in Rivendell. We grew close growing up along side each other, and it just... happened. One day he left a boy and my closest friend, he came back a year later a man, and stole my heart before I realised."

"And he feels the same?"

Thora nodded.


Thora sighed, "But it cannot be. At first, I thought we could but then I overheard my mother and grandfather discussing my marriage and they would need to find a worthy suitor. After that day I realised our love would have to remain secret, no matter how much I wish to tell my parents, they would never allow it."    

Kili nodded and sighed, "Your love life truly is tragic."

Thora rounded on him with an offended look but hesitated when Kili began laughing loudly. Her own laughter soon joined his as they mused her truly tragic love life.

"Who knows, Cousin things may yet work out. After all, love is truly all powerful." Kili left her with that statement and the quiet serenity of the early evening to consider his words.

"Indeed, it is."

Merry Christmas to all my awesome readers!! Technically it's Boxing day I know but shush. So this chapter is a little shorter than the others but I felt like this was a good place to end it. The next couple of chapters will probably be just fillers between the Hobbit and Lotr, but next chapter won't be up til after new years cause I'm going camping yass!!! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas full of love and gifts and have a rippa good new years and God bless you all. 

Love Me.


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