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A/N i finally had something in my mind...

thank you guys for forgiving me for taking to long to update(^~^)

And i also edited the yandere part cause i was not satisfied with it...

on with the story! (^~^)

Author's POV~

You were in the classroom walking in the dark hallway
The atmosphere was dark and silent , it sent you chills down your spine
Every time you walk there's always a creaking sound from the wooden floor
You reach the classroom door and trying to open it
But it won't budge. then you were able to pry it open

Then the atmosphere turned back to normal

You see your classmates smiling cheerfully
But they are not saying anything at all

Y/n's POV~

'That's weird' i thought as i went to my seat
And strange thing is they keep staring at me,still smiling but now its creeping me out....

Koro-sensei came in....
He just looked at me, not smiling but not angry either

"Uh guys, you could stop staring now" i said uncomfortably 

Someone  slid the door open then walked in the classroom
He looked at them then looked back at me and sighed

itona said"Okay guys, y/n had enough , stop smiling" 

"Huh?"i said confused

"HAH!! Y/n you should've seen your face"

"So this was a prank?" i said pouting

"Yeah, you were so scared~"karma snickered

"Shut up bakabane" i poked my tongue at him

"Alright everyone that's enough, let's start class now" koro- sensei said as his expression turned back to normal
"But first roll call" he added

as he call out...

it seems like there's something wrong.....

the scene keeps switching normal to dark again and again

i questioned "Guys, do you notice something strange?"

The scene changed to dark but didn't turn to normal

the atmosphere still remained silent

They all looked at me.  

But this time....

their eyes are filled with bloodlust

And staring at me insanely
bodies filled with cuts with blood dyed clothes and their expressions are all blank...

It's almost like they're dead...

i started running outside to the main campus

"Y/n" they all said in unison as they run towards me

i panicked and started to scream

"Y/n!" their voices got louder


i woke up and found itona looking at me worried

"Itona..." i said as tears were about to fall

He hugged me.
"Shh... it's okay, it was just a nightmare"he said as he pats my head slowly

i bursted into tears as i held on itona tighter

itona kissed my forehead to calm me down

A/N well was that short?

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