Loki Laufeyson

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A little Loki fan fiction about what I think happened after Manhattan! Its set just after Avengers and just before Thor The Dark World (Amazing movie by the way!!!) Enjoy!

                                                                   Chapter 1

          I open my eyes slowly at the sound of the main cell room door opening. I wait patiently while a brisk set of footsteps come towards my end of the large hall. I don't react in anyway as my brother rounds the corner and stops at my cell, peering in.

           "Why do you bother yourself with visiting a criminal like me Thor?" I intoned.

           He ignores my boredom and replies, "Father wishes to see you"

            "Has your father finally decided a punishment?"

             He hears my emphasis on your and looks inclined to argue but lets it drop. I smirk. He had always been the sentimental one. He just couldn't bear me pushing Odin away as a father. My true heritage wasn't of Asgardian blood however. My ancestors lie on Jodenheim, realm of the frost giants. My father is, was, Lauefey, king of Jodenheim.

               "Brother, father has no quarrel with you if you only listen!"

                 "No quarrel?" I hiss, "No quarrel? You mean to tell me that throwing me to rot in a cell is no quarrel against me?"

                  Thor sighed, "I wish you would not be so bitter. You know who caused this, and it was not father."

                For a moment, I wavered. I knew he was right. I had attacked his precious earth. I had killed hundreds of humans. I had almost lost the tesseract. It was my fault.

                I keep my voice flecked with boredom as i sigh, "Lets get this over with. I grow tired of Odin's games."

                 Two guards let me out and handcuffs come on before I can think, followed by a muzzle. I hate the muzzle. The contraption keeps me from giving my notorious smiles and make me look angry all the time.

                 Thor asks to escort me himself, alone. I roll my eyes at his obvious act of "bravery". It isn't particularly great of a feat. Who is afraid of Loki, god of mischief, when he has been stripped of his magic and handcuffed? It isn't until we get out of the cell room that i realize he merely wished to talk to me alone.

                "Loki," He mutters quietly, "father is in a rather foul mood. He has been talking about properly punishing you for your crimes. Please, brother, do not antagonize him this visit."

                He lays his hand on my shoulder and i flinch back from the gesture instinctively. He flashes me a look of contempt and continues down the long hall, making sure every few feet I'm still following.

              When he leads me down the hall that lead to Odin's chambers, I raise my eyebrows in surprise. Odin is having me visit him in his room, a strange thing. Normally he humiliates me in front of a council or group of Asgardian warriors. Well...he tries. I have yet to experience true humiliation and actually find the audience entertaining, even funny.

             Thor notices my surprised look but says nothing. I'm surprised at how much this saddens me. We grow more distant each visit. I am saved from my thoughts as a guard sees us and opens the door leading to my adopted father's bedroom. He ushers us in without a word, closing us in with a crashing sound.

            It's dark and for a moment I cant see. My eyes adjust quickly and i come face to face with the All Father, the king of Asgard and protector of the nine realms. Ugh.

           Odin rips the muzzle free from my mouth and I am able to speak again.

              I don't bother to disguise my hatred as I greet him with a slight laugh, "Do you like our visits so much Odin, that you must have one so soon from our last?"

              Thor stiffens beside me as Odin bears down at me, nose to nose.

             I am about to sneer, make another snide comment, when Odin speaks, his voice just exceeding a wheeze, "Loki....enough with the child play! I need your help."

              I freeze,"What do you mean?"

              My heart swells at the prospect of being free again but my face stays stone cold.

               Odin sits down on his bed, suddenly looking old and withered, "Great peril is about to come to the kingdom, and i need you to cooperate with Thor. Help him."

               I snarl, "I'd just as soon as help Thor, as I'd-"

               Odin cut me off, this time saying words that chilled me to the bone, "It's Thanos. He vows revenge on you and is said to be attacking earth this moment. Our spies say earth could be totally destroyed in a month."

              Eh? So how is it? Leave comments and suggestions! I also will take any personal requests...not sure if people do that on here but i need followers and things to do on here. Thanks guys! Luv always!

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