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Loki POV:

I stare at Darcy from the living room as she makes dinner.

So much more complicated now isn't it Loki?

Of course it is more complicated now that I know her own horror story. It isn't as bad as mine, but it is bad enough. Darcy seems to feel my gaze on and turns, giving me a small smile before turning back to stir something in a pot. We had stayed distant for the entire day, avoiding each other as much as you can in such a tiny space. It made it awkward.

Thor suddenly walks in from the hallway, "We need to start looking for Thanos." he declared, making it sound like an adventure instead of a chore.

Darcy wipes her hands off on her jeans and asks, "How do you suppose we do that?" We.

Thor catches the we and replies, "I say we as in my brother and I."

Darcy complains, "I have every single right to help you look for this alien guy."

"It's too dangerous."

"How is it dangerous?"

Thor sighs and turns to me, "Tell her just how capable Thanos is."

I groan as if it was the most painful thing to do in the world, "Thanos could kill you faster than we could kill him. You would be more of a nuisance than help."

She crosses her arms like a child, "I'm going, or I'll tell SHIELD that you both need a place to stay."

I chuckle, "Is it coming to blackmail miss Darcy?"

She doesn't grin, "Yes it is. If you don't let me help in some way, you will find yourself packing."

I raise my eyebrows now, "I wouldn't have much to pack, and it really wouldn't be that hard to find another place to stay."

Her eyes flash, she hadn't expected me to actually contemplate leaving. "Isn't there anything I can do?" she sounds desperate, "I can't just sit here, doing nothing and worried for you two."

I suddenly want to agree, not because I wanted her around, but because I knew just the feeling she was going through. Helplessness was as bad as anything. I had felt helpless when Thor had been banished and when Odin had gone into the Odinsleep. The feeling of wanting to do something, anything, was overwhelming. Then I had become king and all that had gone away...

I sigh, "It is too dangerous, but I suppose there isn't anything wrong with it."

Thor growls, "You obviously show no gratitude to the one who gives you shelter!"

I look up, confused, "What do you mean?"

"You are going to thank Darcy by getting her killed?"

"She seems perfectly willing to go with us, so why not?"

"You know perfectly well why not!!"

Darcy steps in again, "Both of you! Quit it!"

When we shut up, she takes a deep breath, "I can make my own decisions, and my decision is that I am helping."

Thor hesitates, and then speaks up, "I really do not think it is advisable."

She grins, "So? If the god of mischief can go to find an alien leader, so can I."

Darcy POV:

"Why did I agree to this?" I groan.

Loki replies from the back, "Actually, you didn't agree, we had to make the decision."

Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now