Chapter Three

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My Hogwarts letter won't come until later this summer but thats the last thing on my mind. The full moon is next week.

"Lexi, honey, listen closely. You need to take this potion everyday next week. Do not skip any days. Do you understand?"

I nod and take the vial from Papa. My fingers tremble as I clutch the potion. Wolfsbane.

A knot forms in my throat and I throw my arms around my father. He holds my tight and lets my sob onto his shoulder.

"Papa! I'm scared! I don't want to be a werewolf!"

"Shh, shh. Tiare mon cher. Hush. You will be alright. You are very brave."

I sniffle and step back to look my father in the eyes. His hazel shine with worry and love.

"Papa? Will the transformation hurt?"

"I don't know, baby. I don't know."

I gulp and steele my nerves, a single thought running through my mind.

I can do this.

The week passes quickly in a flurry of anger, hopelessness, and the worst potion ever. Finally, the full moon has arrived.

"Don't worry, cher. The Wolfsbane potion will make the transformation easier and keep you in control. Stay in here and whatever you do, do not unlock this door. Understand?"

I nod then turn to check my surroundings. I am in a secluded cabin with absolutely no one around and have to stay for the remainder of the night. Mum hugs me tight; Papa joins in.

"Don't worry, Mum, Papa. I'll be fine."

They nod worriedly.

"Promise to not go outside?"

"I promise. Now go. Please."

My parents share a look then clasping hands to Apparate together, leaving me alone in the small but cozy cabin.
I sigh and plop down into a red, plush arm chair. I already took my potion today all I have to do is wait. I catch my refelection in a mirror and wince.

Merlin I look terrible!

My once ivory face is as pale as a ghosts. My cheeks suken in and my green eyes are bloodshot. I look like I haven't slept in months.


Outside the window, the world grows dark. My nerves are fried and I chew my nails anxiously.

Any minute now..

Pale moonlight flows in through the glass; as I slowly look up and see the full moon, my world comes crashing down.

Pain like nothing I have ever know before rips through my body. My heartbeat speeds up and senses sharpen tenfold. I can feel the wolf pushing forward, trying to break free, but I push back with more force.

I will never let you win.

Thick fur sprouts all over my body uncomfortably. My bones break and reshape; my guts twist and change into something new; my skin stretchs to fit my form.

I'm screaming. Screams soon morph into broken howls as my voicebox transforms with the rest of me. Finally, it stops. I lay on the floor panting, unable to stand after such a painful experience. Smells and sounds attack my senses. The forest outside, moss, leaves, and bark, swirl around in my head.

After what seems like an eternity, I can attempt to stand with my new limbs. I finally gain my balance and limp over to the mirror, puffing at the sight that greets me. A huge violet red wolf with vibrant green eyes stares back from the glass.

Wow! I could get use to this!

I shove my ears forward and growl, the low sound echoing around the empty cabin. The wolf in the glass mirrors my stance. I relax my posture then turn to sniff around before settling onto the green comforter. I whimper pitfully and curl my bushy tail around myself.

I'm so lonely....

I sigh out of my nose and lay my head down, waiting for dawn.

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