Holding Hands

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(Sorry it took a while to get the first one up... :S)

Zane's POV

It was about 10am when I decided to go and hang out with Aphmau but I didn't expect the surprise she had planned...

Knock knock.

''Zane! I have a surprise for you! :3'' Aphmau giggled slyly, letting me in.

''Uh... Aph, it's times like this where I don't trust you...'' I entered reluctantly.

We sat down on the sofa and Aphmau had this mischievous look on her face.

''Well, what's this surprise?'' I asked looking up at her.

''Hehe. Since you and Kawaii~Chan are both brutally single, I decided I would set you up on a date... Together...'' She laughed.

''W-WHAT!? Does she know?'' I asked worried.

''Yup. I told her at breakfast but then she suddenly had to go and lock herself in her room... Can't think why...'' Aph replied.

''Ugh... There's no way of me getting out of this, is there?'' I sighed looking at my lap.

''HAHA! NOPE!'' Aphmau yelled. It was so loud that Kawaii~Chan peered down through the gap in her door... I looked up at her and shrugged knowing that we would have to go no matter what.


Time for my date with Kawaii~Chan... Why does Aphmau do this stuff to me. First of all I had to go to the Valentines Day Date with Michi... That name makes me shiver... Ughhh. Well I better go before Aph thinks I've decided not to go. If she thinks that, I will be dragged on this date with Aphmau by my side watching every little thing I do!

At Aphmau's House

I arrived and knocked on Aph's door. I didn't make much of an effort to look fancy and by the looks of things neither did Kawaii~Chan. KC stood up and made her way to the door. Aphmau suddenly started telling us what to do.

''Give eachother a hug. :3'' She said.

''No.'' We said in union.

''Okay hold hands then. ;)'' She giggled.

''No.'' We said again.

''If you don't hold hands I will make you KISS!'' She yelled.

We suddenly grabbed eachothers hand and ran for our lives...

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