Tagged -.-

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So I was tagged by Simply_Banana to tell you all 13 things about me... Let's get rolling!

1. I am very bad at human interaction...
2. I do not like people...
3. I've been living in the UK my entire life.
4. I call myself a spoilt brat because I get what I want when I want.
5. Winter is my favorite season mostly because I have an excuse not to go outside. I say ''It's too cold...''
6. I have 2 cats and a hamster.
7. My room is rarely tidy, but when it is it's because my mum tidied it... It stays like that for about 2 hours...
8. Without my laptop, IPad & phone I don't know what I would be doing with my life.
9. My older sister is actually concerned about the amount of time I'm on my laptop...
10. My birthday is March 13th. And I have had my birthday on Friday 13th and everything was fine...
11. I'm not really one for letting people into my life... So I really only have 2 friends.
12. I'm starting a new school on the 5th September... So my terrible social skills really don't help there.
13. Shopping is my least favorite thing to do because it means I have to be around people... It also means I have to leave my room...

I am nice and don't tag anyone... Apart from:

I don't know if you've been tagged already but I'm to lazy to check... So bye...
I just realised I never published this... so here you go, one month later...

30 Day OTP Challenge - Zane~ChanWhere stories live. Discover now