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"Alyla wake up! Breakfast is ready!" Mom yelled from downstairs. I tried to pretend to still be asleep, but I think she saw me on my phone earlier. Dangit why does my room have to be across from hers, I though to myself. "Uggghh," I groan. I put my glasses and bunny slippers on, and I walk lazily down the stairs. "Breakfast is ready," she repeated. "What took you so long?" She questioned. "We go through this every weekend mom! I'm a teen, and teens are a lazy group of individuals. Comprendo?" I don't understand what she doesn't get this is like our morning weekend routine. "Okay whatever, Alyla. Eat now, so you can pick your sister up from her sleepover," She says very concerned. "Okay Mom," I reply. She places my plate in front of me. I take a couple bites. Then I get a call from Maggie, my BFF. "Alyla, you know the rule no phones at the table." Mom said as I was about to answer the call. I look at her with puppy dog eyes. "Fine, but this us the first and last time you will be able to answer a call at the table." " OMG! Thanks, you are the best!" I quickly answer the call. "Hey girl! What's up?" I say happily. "Guess what!?" Maggie replies "What? Wait let me guess! Ummm... You got a new phone?" I said. "Nope, that's not it. Okay i'll just tell you! Jacob Sartorius is having a meet and greet 15 minutes away!" She said very excited. "OMG, NO FRACKING WAY! Okay girl bye I gtg, call you later!" "Bye!" She responded. "What was that about?" My mom questioned. "Oh nothing," I said very calmly. Than out of nowwhere, "SIKE! Jacob Sartorius is having a meet and greet 15 minutes away from our house!" I yelled happily and very fast. "Ummmm... Who is that?" She asked. "Mom it's only the cutest and best muser ever!" "Okay, I don't know what that means, so I'll just leave that to you girls." I eat some of my food and than put the rest in the fridge. Than I put my sandals on and head for the door to pick up my sister. "Bye mom, leaving now!" "Bye Alyla don't forget..." Door slammed shut

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