Getting Money

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"Hey are you ready to get some mula!?" Maggie screamed as if I was miles away. "Yeah, just let me change into more comfortable clothes real quick. Be right back," I said. "Okay," Maggie replied. On my way to the door I trip and fall right on my face. Obviously Maggie laughs at me and it makes me laugh also. One thing that I learned is that it is less embarrassing if you laugh along with the people laughing at you. I get up and walk to the door. I run up the stairs and change quickly. I go outside and Maggie is doing front walkovers continuously. "Ummmm, Maggie are you ready?" I said in a confused way. "As ready as can ever be!" She exclaimed and jumped up. "Okay we'll just go around my neighborhood asking people if they would like us to cut their grass for $50," I announce. "What do we say the money is for?" She inquires. "We could just tell them that the money is going to two poor children planning to see a celebrity," I answer. "Okie dokie!" Maggie replies. We go to Connie, my neighbor to the right. We couldn't ask her because she has a no soliciting sign, so we go to my neighbors to the left. "Hi would you like us to mow your lawn for $50, it's for a good cause?" We ask at the same time. "Sure, why not," They reply. We both do our happy dance because we are excited for our first client. "We only need to mow three more lawns to get enough money for both our tickets!" I claimed. "OMG it's way too hot to be doing this!" Maggie complains. "We haven't even started yet and your complaining! Just keep thinking that we're doing this for Jacob Sartorius! Tomorrow this will all be worth it!" It was a real struggle because we never used a lawn mower, but we got done with all four lawns. We sweated buckets, but at least we got $200. I guess what we did was sort of illegal because we didn't have a permit but at least we can pay our parents back for our tickets.

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