My Dream

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"Oh Jacob, I do." SIKE! This is all a dream. Jacob and I aren't getting married. But here's my dream of how is all led up to us getting married. I was on twitter stalking his page, the usual. Then all of a sudden I get a follow and a message. And i'm like bro who is this? Than I look at my notifications and I see Jacob Sartorius has followed you and has sent a message. I open the message and it says Hey! My jaw drops in awe. I know its him for sure because there is a blue check mark next to his name. I respond Hi! He types back wanna meet up? I type of course and then delete it because I don't want to sound too thirsty. This is too good to be true I think so than I just ignore it. Than he stalks me and goes the Starbucks at the same time as I do. Woah, creeper alert! Long story short we fall in love and get happily married. JUST REMEMBER THIS IS ALL A DREAM I HAD!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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