The Drive

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"You can wear my sweatshirt, and you can tell your friends we'll be together till the end!" I sing, trying to memorize every line of every one of Jacob's songs. "Oh it's a perfect time to call Maggie back!" I hope she answers, I think to myself. Ringing "Oh good, I was hoping you would answer! Have you bought your tickets to his meet and greet?" "I asked my mom she said I have to work for the money to buy the tickets," Maggie replies. "Oh god that sucks I Feel so bad for you. I feel your pain. How about we ask people if they would like us to mow their lawns for $50 and we would have the money in no time! We should just ask our parents if they can pay now and we'll pay them back because the tickets might get sold out before we have enough money," I exclaim. "Sound like a perfect idea!" She says sounding very excited. "Okay we'll start after I pick up my sister. Okay i'm right across the street from Jada's friend's house. Bye got to go. See you when I get home!" "Bye see you then!" Vroom vroom "OMG this house is humongous!" I say surprised, "They must be rich." I push the doorbell and I hear children screaming at the top of their lungs and running endlessly. My sister, Jada opens the door and notices it's me and she runs away and hides. "Jada I see you behind that curtain! Come on Maggie is waiting for me at home!" I yell in a frustrated tone. Then out of the blue I have a lightbulb idea. "Jada if you don't come now i'll tell mommy about what you did in your!" Blackmailing always works on her. "Fine, god geez!" She says irritated. Finally, we get in the car. We are both irritated so the first part of the car ride is silent. I think the silence is quite awkward so I blast the music. "Why are you meeting up with Maggie anyway?" She asked. "Because we need money to buy tickets to Jacob Sartorius's meet and greet." I answer. "Ewww... What's so good about him?" She says rudely. "He has the sweetest personality, he's willing to date one of his fans, and he's so cute." I say in a dreamy voice. "Alyla you will never date him, so get over it." She exclaimed sounding mad. "Okay just because your down doesn't mean you have go bring me down too!" We pull in the drive way and I say, "We're home!" Jada says rudely, " I have eyes, I know we're home you don't have to tell me!" "Gosh! Who hit you with the amgry stick." I get out the car and I see Maggie outside, sitting on the swinging porch chair with a lawn mower next to the chair. I head for her.

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