Chapter 2: Just school uniform

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"I never even knew this street existed!" I aimed at Greg who wasn't paying me any attention. The boy was openly staring at a woman across the street who was walking her dog. Clearly unaware that if he were medusa, the moment that she looked over, she would turn to stone.

I drove to a Holt. Surprisingly, Greg froze too. His beady eyes not moving from the woman. At second look, (with back and forth from her to him) I had concluded that it wasn't actually the woman that he was giving flirty looks. It was the god damn dog! A portrait of disgust planted itself onto my face as I continue pacing down the road – having no clue where the hell I was going. "Hey!" peeking behind my shoulder I see the animal stalker 'running' up to catch up with me. Literally, I had only moved four meters away...

Greg's voice was childish, "Do not walk off like that!" it reflected in his facial expression: a long-hung pouting frown. I didn't want to aggravate the toddler so after stopping for him to re-join me, we continued on. 

Wondering on to the next few streets, a herd of OakHighum students started dispersing out in dribs and drabs from around the corner of the end of the road, as well as another side street which also led onto the road which we were on.

"Oh goodness!" I jumped at the sudden eruption, sure this guy was my best friend but sometimes he didn't half make my skin crawl. "Do you think they will mock us?" he questioned weirly as if thinking we were still in the Middle Ages.

"Just because we aren't from that school you mean?" I lifted an eyebrow.

"Well the OakHighum pupils have a far better education and perhaps learn actual things, unlike us. You for example learn about how long you can stay sleep in lessons without being caught and how far you can push teachers' buttons before having to stay behind in detention." He stuttered as a freaky tall, slender guy in the dark green uniform came strutting toward us. As if not caring that we were there, he barged through the middle of us, casting Greg to the brick wall of someone's house and me toward the road . Unlike my best friend however, I had maintained my balance and didn't land cheek first into anything.

From what I could see, the rest of the other school students remained on the opposite side of the street. Besides the bunch crossing the street to enter the shop anyway, which wasn't many but still enough to look like a full armoured robbery group if they all went in guns blazing. Straightening back up I turned to Greg, still shocked at being pushed aside like shit. Helping steady my friend back to his feet, I gave him an assuring smile, "Well he was pleasant." (An awkward laugh) "I can see where the villains are coming from. Look there's a bunch of them here". Pointing toward the side street, I then looked back up to the store. Significantly, wanting to get away from the shop where a cluster of them were stood waiting - dawdling for others to come out and join them. Both of us didn't say anything as we sprinted on, hiding our faces like ninjas. Realising that neither of us had got their attention, we curved our postures to one another and giggled like tiny toddlers at a successful mission.

Ding, ding! Ugh. My phone went off. A text. Nothing good of course. Just some phone bill.

I ignored the text and dropped the device back into the pocket of my trousers, well more like attempting to ram it in to no avail. Still stretching the pocket to get it to fit, my ears scanned out to the approaching sound of clipping footsteps coming towards us. Not like the freaky dude's from before; the type of footsteps that you hear when someone is wearing heels. As I briefly lifted my head my pace slowed slightly. A girl (around my age I assume) was walking on the outside of the pavement to let us past.

I was right about the shoes though, standard black school shoes with either a one inch or two inch heel on the back, giving her the appearance of being slightly shorter than Greg who in all fairness was four inches shorter than myself and had should no sign of growth after the age of twelve after a rocket growth spurt.

The chick was studying Greg when I first looked up. Noticing her approaching us. I hadn't been staring at her at all but I was puzzled by how polite she was, it was around about then that her eyes shifted onto mine and at first, she appeared shocked that I had looked her straight in the eye. The expression of shock sunk, only to be replaced with a delicate smile which was only just wide enough to identify that she had dimples, two little dot pompom like things perfectly central of her cheeks. Looking at her face fully, one thing really hit me automatically and lured me into questioning about it. I assume the girl had a full face of make-up on as they all seem to do that now-a-days; they think boys actually care when clearly I can barely even be sure. She definitely had on lipstick however.

In colour her lips really stood out amongst all the other peach pinks and pathetic reds which I had seen most girls attempt to put on. Instead, her lips had this really dry looking crisp finish - I think the word for it is mat? It wasn't shiny so it looked like immensely expensive stuff, if that's how make-up works anyhow. I actually have no idea other than what I had encountered from girls I was made to go to school with. Dark rouge in colour with a blend towards the middle where it shifted to have an almost purple tinge, this stood out- a siren in amongst a silent crowd- from the bland uniform.

"Hi there," the silhouette voiced before stepping past me, I thought nothing of it at first and then I turned to Greg who was already glaring at me as if he was expecting me to say something.

"What?" I questioned him eagerly.

"Oh, it is just, she was polite. You do not normally walk past people our age who walk past and say 'hi'. When I am with Bella, someone might say 'good morning' or 'good afternoon' but they tend to be old people. Oh that, and she was attractive was she not?" he let out a smirk exposing his teeth clung to the dark grey braces.

Without heisting I began to tease him, "Well if you wanna go grab her number, I'll happily-"

"Oh no! A pretty, polite, practically perfect person like that. No thank you. I would much prefer something with four legs and a tail".

I knew he meant dogs in a way that they would be just friends but I took this quite literally due to the incident previous and wondered what he had actually meant by that remark. I didn't think I wanted to know. Then I thought about what he had said, 'she was attractive was she not?' which in every day English would mean 'do you think she's hot?' I honestly hadn't paid too much attention. I looked behind myself and caught glimpse of her just before the hill starting sloping at the top which would steal her from view, she was in an oversized OakHighum blazer which was the most dreadful shade of dark green, a classy straight leg skirt which was just below the knee and black tights. Nothing special, it was just school uniform.

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