Chapter 24: That's a pissy drink

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Knock, knock, knock.

There was someone at the door, clearly avoiding the use of the doorbell. "Mother! Door!" I yelled, taking a swig from the bottle of wine I had nicked from the kitchen. I didn't even pour myself a glass. She kept whiskey somewhere but I couldn't find it so of course I had to have a pissy drink rather than something which could actually get me shit faced.

Another knock came from downstairs. I was sat against the wall in my room too lazy to clamber into the bed. "Mother! Mum! Woman who birthed me?" Took another swig and got up from the ground, she must have gone out; she normally answered by now. Another two knocks at the door and then the doorbell was finally pressed. "Oh piss off," I mumbled before giving in to go see who it was.

Door opened.


"Hey Connor," he said lightly, leaning against the door frame.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm busy what the hell do you want?" I asked not letting him inside - even though it would have been polite.

Standing upright, "I wanted to apologise for what I said at lunch, for how I acted-"

"Yeah, yeah I forgive you. Now piss off" I said turning away with a hand pushing the door shut.

His hand landed on the door keeping it from shutting on him, "Connor please, here me out... Is that a wine bottle?"

I turned to him, I looked at my hand. "Yeah it's a wine bottle" I responded casually as if it was normal for an 18 year old to drink red wine at half 8 in the evening.

He nodded, "nice..."

"I don't like wine!" I informed him.

"But your drinking it, and from the bottle. How classy. It's a pissy drink though." he chuckled.

"Oh fuck off!" I laughed taking a sip, "this is tots the shit! A huh! Going to get smashed on it!" I taunted.

He stepped into the house, as he pushed me back gently by the shoulder, close to my body. Resting a hand on it, "How about we go find some real alcohol to drink?" he asked.

He didn't drink, he never even seemed like the type. Even now in his buttoned up waist coat and smart trousers he seemed too posh and mighty to know what drinking was let alone want to do it. I set the bottle down on the counter.

"What do you mean?"

"We could go to a night club? Get pissed. Get laid? We're 18 and it's what lads do to get over shit girls".

He meant Gwen didn't he? He was right though. What she did was shitty. Sod it why the hell not? I leaned away from him slightly, "You sure we'll be allowed in? I thought you had to be like 21 to get into a night club?"

Clutching my wrist, he smirked, "Who gives a fuck? Let's go get shit faced".


Basically we went to about three joints, had a drink at each before finishing at the one we ended up at by 11 o'clock. It was loud, it was huge. There were tits everywhere, thongs in places that thongs shouldn't be. Rowdy young girls grinding up anyone who bought them a drink. Not to forget, by this point I was drunk. We were drunk.

"Two shots please!" Greg yelled, ordering at the bar trying to remain serious. The bartender looked at him. She scanned him up whilst getting our drinks, "you're new, aint seen you around here before."

"That's normally what NEW means baby!" he teased, unbuttoning a few buttons as he wafted his sweaty face.

I took the shot glass and passed him the other, the woman leant over the counter her hooters falling from the ill-fitting bar, "you're naughty then, I like that" Greg took the shot. I took a seat on one of the stools as Greg remained standing, eyeing her heavily he pointed a wobbly finger at me, "This is Connor. He needs some sex. Can you give him the sex?"

I didn't speak. Greg was fucking pissed. Heavily fucking pissed.

"Well if you want a threesome then sure," she winked at me then filled his glass again. I took my shot.

"No I don't need sex woman!" He pronounced hitting his chest like Tarzan.

After letting him take the shot, the raunchy bartender hoped onto the counter and pressed her arms into her boobs making them look bigger, "come on wee darling. Don't you want some of this cake?"

He scoffed at her, "I don't like my candy readily available. I like 'not in stock'" he took my arm pulling me from the seat.

She groped his arse, "whoa woman!" he yelped like a puppy. She gave him googly eyes, "Hate to break it to ya but I don't swing that way!" he strutted off somewhere in the club, leaving me and miss big boobies to share an awkward moment. Extremely awkward...

'I don't swing that way'? What did he mean? It didn't matter.

There was a lot of people in here, surely one chick might let me bang her? Oh god I've become an animal! Sod it, might as well give in to my instincts.

I went up to the first group of girls I could find, two of them were making out with each other, normally that would turn me on but no, not tonight. Weird. I got there attended, "so ladies, can I buy anyone a drink?" the two snogging continued to do so and the remaining three who were 'dancing' giggled at my invite. I gave a charming smile, "so what drink do you want? Martinis perhaps?" they all screamed with pleasure at my question.

Once back with their drinks, which cost a fortune. We were dancing. It was fun, don't get me wrong but I wasn't feeling it. "Hey handsome," girl #1 said, "You alright?" I smiled at her, wrapping my arm around her waist. "Yeah," I said above the music, she must have been like mid 20s but she was decent looking enough. She moved her ear to my lips, "Could we go someone a bit more-"

"Private?" she questioned.

I nodded, she dragged me to the back of the place. It might have been alright if I didn't see Travis. Yeah Travis! He was there grinding up some chick he had clearly just met, no sight of Gwen anywhere. Not that I was surprised. I went mad and girl #1 saw it. "You know them?" she asked hesitantly. I shook my head as it was too hard to explain. We kept walking till we came to a set of sofas which happened to be empty. I sat down and she sat on top of me.

"I'll make it better," she teased. She pushed up her skirt showing me her ripped underwear. I looked at it then at her, she came at me instantly. Tongue everywhere. Quite clearly mummy and daddy never taught this bitch how to kiss. We made out and she pried my hand up her skirt. I allowed what she wanted but it did nothing for me. I opened my eyes to look around. No sign of Greg anywhere so I kept doing what she asked of me. In all honesty, it felt like work! It was going ok until she went to unzip my trousers. I freaked out. "What the hell are you doing woman?!" She slapped me. Got off my lap and spat in my face before strutting off to complain to her girlies.

I rubbed my face through my hands, swallowing the rest of her saliva as I watched her, walk away. On the table in front of me was a half-finished drink, so I had it in one swig just to try to cast away the taste. When setting it down I looked up, snarl ragging at my lips.

"Where the hell have you been?" I asked Greg who sat himself next to me.

He grinned, "Just got laid with this chick," he looked down then back to me – was he lying? "You on the other hand my man. Well! You seriously pissed her off."

I narrowed my brows understanding that he meant girl #1. I laughed, "I don't know what it is she just didn't turn me on" I said, "maybe it's that I didn't even learn her name."

He bit his lip, "Do any of these girls turn you on?" I looked around shaking my head. "Me neither," he admitted.

"But you just said-"

"I lied Connor"


He pushed at my shoulder so that my body faced his direction, I put my legs onto the sofa as he lied on top of me like we did had when we were young teens, "I thought you would get suspicious!" he said.

I smiled, my best mate was such a dork. "I know you're not good with the ladies Greg. You're into dogs, clearly!"

"Connor," he breathed heavily, he grabbed at my face with one hand, "you don't get it do you?"

"What?" I asked naïvely.

Greg looked me in the eye. "I'm gay".

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