The Test

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Charlotte sat an the middle of the cell, cement surrounding her on every side, even the door was designed to be too heavy for her to move. She grimaced to herself absent-mindedly, shaking her blonde hair slightly so it fell away from her crazed grey eyes. She hated having her hair this long, the tangled tendrils of hair tickled her neck and cheeks. It was distracting. It was a pity, she thought, that the guards refused her a hair cut. They didn't exactly trust her around scissors. Or knives. Or spoons for that matter, she didn't have the best track record. Charlotte giggled to herself, recalling the plastic spoon she managed to lodge up a guards left nostril the other week.

A faint hissing interupted Charlotte's train of thought and she spared a glance towards the corner of the room, not refraining from the withering eye roll she gave at the sight of the pale gray knock out gas spilling into her cell from the tiny rubber tube. But she had learned over the years that there was no use fighting it. O'Brian sauntered to the corner of the room, taking in deep breaths of the gas in order for it to be over as quickly as possible. Dizziness quickly overcame her as she slumped on the floor, and then there was blackness.

Charlotte woke with her eyed covered and her hands restrained, however she was not suprised. See no evil, do no evil. She was shocked however to hear a woman's voice talk to her, Charlotte grimaced slightly, the anonymous woman sounded too much like her mother for her liking, cold, calculating and heartless.

"I have some objects in front of you, if you cooperate and don't disobey me, we won't kill you. Show us what you can do. Do you understand?"

Charlotte grinned like a child on Christmas day, she was being given permission to exercise her powers, a luxury denied from her for over two years. She nodded, making an exaggerated curtsey, as elegantly as possible with her hands harshly secured behind her.

"As you wish, ma'am." She spoke in a perfectly faked posh voice, "but I'm afraid that with my eyes covered I'm as useful as a sniper minus a rifle, bicycle peddles on a wheelchair, tits on a nun, an ejector seat on a helicopter, an ovulating grandma..."

The eye mask was suddenly ripped of her face, Charlotte giggling madly as she spotted the look of disgust on Griggs face,

"What's the matter? Am I not funny enough?" O'Brian span around dramatically, smirking at the sudden raising of guns in her direction, she stopped in front of a tall, pale man and a dark skinned woman, both looking extremely disinterested and unamused by her antics. Scannig around her she realised that, although she was still surrounded by concrete on all sides, she was in fact in a courtyard. She glanced up an the milky grey sky apove her, reveling in the feeling of fresh air on her dry skin.

Charlotte huffed slightly before giving a small smile, cracking her neck she slid her hands out of the restraints, smirking as Griggs hurriedly apologised to the woman, quick to pass the blame of incompetence onto another guard. She casually raised her hands towards the first object on the floor, a largeish brick. Easy as pie.

"Suit yourself, you want a show? I'll give you your money's worth."
The familiar tingly feeling spread through her fingers as she exercised her sixth sense, the brick elegantly swooped through the air in graceful loops, crashing to the floor when Charlotte got bored of the display suddenly, her attention being caught by the large metal sphere lying to her right, she rolled it easily around on the floor in a lazy figure of eight before she lifted it a few feet into the air.

The strange, important woman nodded slightly, her thin lips never lifting from the scowl on her face, she spoke down to Charlotte with an air of authority,

"Now that one.", she said, gesturing to the gigantic slab of concrete further to her right.
Charlotte looked at it in confusion,

"You want me to move that? It's way to heavy for me."

"I want you to try.", came the strict reply. Shrugging, Charlotte flexed her arms,

"Well I suppose I ain't got anything better to do, do I?" Charlotte grimaced as she forced more and more pulses of power towards the humongous slab of stone in front of her, it began to rock harshly too and throw with the waves she sent to it, but it never left the floor. Blood began to seep from her nostrils due to the effort she was exerting.

Getting irritated by the stubbornness of the stone, she felt herself grow dizzy with the effort she used in her attempt to lift it. And lift it she did, a few feet, but it was better than nothing. She hovered it above the ground until the pain became too much, and she released it , with a humongous crash, it fell to the dull grey floor.
Charlotte smiled and bowed to her audience made of prison guards and strange visitors.

"I suppose you want to send me back to my hole now." She spoke to the visitors, hiding her fatigue poorly as she wiped the blood from her nose bleed away with the sleeve of her prisoners attire.
The darker skinned woman nodded,

"For the time being." She then gave a small nod to Griggs, who automatically replaced the mask over the eyes of the worn out woman in front of him. In her dazed state, she did not even acknowledge what was happening to her, until she was halfway down the hall. Stopping in her tracks suddenly, causing the guards behind her to fall like domino's, she turned on her heels and yelled to the visitors after them,

"What do you mean 'for the time being'?"

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