The Plastic People

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"Who are you?" questioned Flag, his voice cracking slightly under the unnerving, glassy eyes of the strange man in front of them. The man tilted his head to the side robotically before answering, "My name is John 28, you are new, you have not met Him yet, have you friends?"

Deadshot spoke, his aim never leaving the man's head, "Who's 'Him'?" there was a few seconds pause before John 28 laughed, a hollow sound, humourless, and unfeeling. "He is out one Leader, He must be obeyed, and you must not be out past curfew. So, friends, you'll have to be punished for breaking His request."

Suddenly, a hoard of men and women, with the same plastic looking skin and hollow eyes ran regimentally towards the group in perfect synchronization, reaching to grab the members nearest them. The squad immediately began attacking their puppet like assailants, El Diablo created a ring of fire, separating the Squad from the Plastic People, Deadshot firing expertly into the throng of attackers. But none hit the ground, bullets cut through their skin, blood seeping dangerously through the holes in their foreheads, their necks, their chests, but they were not phased. They continued onward, through the fire, their skin blistering painfully on contact with the flames.

"What the Hell is going on?" yelled Charlotte, her daggers slicing easily through the Plastic Peoples skin, and yet their bloody cuts did nothing to slow their advance. One reached forward, latching onto Charlotte's wrist with bruising force and began dragging her away, despite the multiple stabs in the back she received from her flying knives. Charlotte yelled out in pain, digging her heels into the floor in a helpless attempt to stow being dragged into the throng of Plastic People. Digger looked over when he heard he sound, his heart dropped when he spotted the man dragging Scarlett Ghost away, her cursing loudly all the while. Without thinking, Digger flung a boomerang skilfully towards the man, severing his entire hand from his wrist. As soon as this happened, Charlotte ran over to Boomerang, mouthing 'thank you', before she stabbed a woman through the neck.

The Plastic people began grabbing soldiers with inhuman strength and dragging them in the same direction, never once did the Plastic People attempt to purposely injure any of the Squad, the only pain felt as from their bruising grips on their arms as they were dragged helplessly away.

Eventually, only the villains and Flag were left, surrounded on all sides. Unexpectedly all movement from their attackers ceased, all Plastic People dropped their hands to their sides, their shoulders became slumped and they stared ahead of them blankly. John 28 stepped forward, "Good night, friends." he said, and the disturbing smile seemed to grow as a thick green smoke rose from the cracks in the cement floor.

One by one, the squad collapsed to the floor, choking on lungful's of the vile fumes, the last thing Charlotte remembered was Digger reaching over to her before everything went black.

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