The Squad

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The five prisoners were less surprised this time when they found themselves in the same courtyard that they were brought to before their first mission. Deadshot casually stretched his arms out in front of him, looking around to spot Rick Flag El Diablo on the other hand opted to slouch on the floor in the corner, chatting idly with Boomerang, whom he had become almost friends with since their last meeting. It was Harley who noticed the apprehensive looks on the soldiers faces, who were milling around the villains, wary to get too close,

"What?" she asked, her voice way too perky for someone who had recently been punched in the stomach, tranquilised and transported to a secret location to do something that could most possibly kill her. Rick Flag marched over to the squad, whom all looked at him for guidance, Boomerang slid his arms out of his orange jumpsuit and tied them around his waist, his torso covered with a worn out white vest. He spoke first, his distinct aussie accent almost accusational,

"Well 'ello mate." He said, rolling his shoulders back, refraining from using violence on the Captain of the team, "nah why don't cha tell us all how's youse planning to get us all killed this time then, eh?" Rick Flag didn't even flinch at the tone of George Harkness' voice, he instead replied calmly, his voice laced with authority,

"I'll brief you all later, but first I'd like to introduce to the newest member of our little team," he smirked slightly at the groups individual reactions, most were expressionless, apart from Harley who began jumping up and down, clapping her hands giddily as she did. Two soldiers moved forwards, carrying a huge bag between them, as it was laid on the ground, the group stepped closer to watch whomever inside struggle to get out. She was eventually aided by someone unzipping the side so she could burst into the open.

Charlotte scrambled out of the bag, breathing lungful's of air heavily as she panted out, "You could've put bloody air holes in that damn thing! I mean, I'm presuming you don't want to kill me this early on, considering-"a loud, cheerful squeal broke Charlotte off mid rant as Harley Quinn launched herself at the other woman, wrapping her legs around O'Brian's waist as she giggled manically,

"Oh my gosh is this really you, Ghosty? It's been so long!", Charlotte giggled at the girls enthusiasm as she gingerly detached herself from her crazy friend, "I agree," she replied airily, "last time I saw you we were crashing the Mayors party back in Gotham!" spinning around enthusiastically, Charlotte stuck her hand out towards nobody in particular, "Charlotte O'Brian, or Scarlett Ghost, at your service."

El Diablo reached to shake her hand before he was elbowed out of the way by an over enthusiastic Boomerang, "G'day gorgeous, the named Digger Harkness, and where 'av you been all me life?" Charlotte blushed slightly at the forwardness of the man in front of her, but quickly composed herself, flashing a cheeky smile she replied swiftly, "Hiding from you, how the Hell did you find me?", the blonde then leaned over the handsome, roguish man in front of her and extended her hand to El Diablo and Deadshot, who were both relieved that she seemed far more sane than her bubbly blonde friend, who was hanging off her arm, chatting excitedly onto Charlottes ear.

Rick Flag spoke suddenly, "There will be a mission briefing in twenty minuets, I suggest that you use this time to get changed and collect your weapons." Nodding Harley pulled Charlotte over to the area where the two girls belongings were kept, and the pair wasted no time getting changed into the clothes in their respective boxes. Charlotte tried to ignore the eyes of every male in the area on her as she slid into her skinny motorcycle trousers, pulling her chain-link vest over her head, she heard a familiar drawl call out from the other side of the courtyard.

"Y'know love, I know how ta please a woman." Digger said, flashing his most charming smile, his silver tooth glinting in the harsh sunlight. Charlotte rolled her eyes, "Then please leave me alone.", she responded, poking her tongue at man whilst she laced her leather boots, securing her weapons, she pulled a knife out of her shoe and swiftly sliced her hair near her neck, one hand holding a foot of dirty blonde hair, the other her dagger. Satisfied at last, Charlotte waltzed over to Rick Flag, ignoring the interested looks of the rest of the Squad.

Well, she thought, this is certainly more fun that staying in Belle Reve. 

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