The Briefing

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The group sat in a tight semi-circle, Charlotte wedged in between Harley Quin and Deadshot. Harley slouched comfortably against her friend, happy for familiar company and, in her opinion, one whom shared a similar mind-set to the crazy woman. Floyd sat on her right, himself and the blonde chatting idly about the best bullets on the market,

"I don't mean any offence when I say this," he began, "but, you don't exactly seem the type to be all cosy with Harls' over there, your boss and her puddin' weren't exactly friends." Charlotte laughed good-naturedly, "I couldn't agree more, but I do contract work, the highest bidder at the time happened to be the Penguin. Besides, me and Harley go way back, she's like a super insane, psychopathic sister to me..." Charlotte paused, considering what she just said, "Wow, I really need more friends..." Floyd chuckled slightly, interrupted when Flag finally joined the group, opting to stand in a military fashion than lounge on the dirty floor with the criminals.

"Well you took ya time din' cha mate?" Boomerang stated, pulling himself up from his reclining position on the floor. Flag nodded once and continued straight into the briefing, ignoring the aussies snarky comment.

"Five days ago, a small town to the east went completely off the grid, no communication from inside the area, no people attempting to leave. It's a complete ghost town and we needed to find out why. Which is why, three days ago, we sent our soldiers in to investigate, they haven't come back and we can't contact them. We have reason to believe that an unknown person, or persons have taken complete control of the town, but as of yet we have no leads, and no ideas as to who it could be, or why they are doing it. Our mission is to infiltrate the town, to collect intel and recover an important item from the town centre. This mission is highly dangerous and vigilance is extremely important," Flag paused, scanning the faces of the criminals in front of him, a brief look of concern flashed across his features before he quickly covered it with one of stoic indifference. "I cannot stress this enough."

"What is the item?" Killer Croc questioned, a nod of support coming from El Diablo, "That's classified I'm afraid." Came the reply. Charlotte, being new, couldn't believe what she was hearing, they wanted them to get themselves killed, collecting mysterious item, from the middle of what seemed to be the Bermuda Triangle.

"You've got to be kidding me," she exclaimed, "I refuse to be a pawn in your demented little game, you either tell me what's going on or I'm out!" Digger coughed slightly to get the blondes attention, resting his elbows on his knees and leaning forward slightly "uh love, whilst I love tha sentiment, I wouldna say yer out. Don't wan' ya pretty little head to explode do ya, eh?"

Harley giggled madly at to clueless look on Charlottes face, "Ohhh, they haven't told ya yet, have they Ghosty?" The Scarlett Ghost shook her head slowly, comprehension dawning on her fair features, "Kaboom?" she questioned making weak gestures with her hands. Boomerang nodded in confirmation, "Kaboom."

Flag coughed loudly to draw the attention back to himself, "Now that we've cleared that up, we'll be heading on to the plane now, follow me." The squad stood, reluctantly following the Captain to their probable demise, Charlotte, being dragged by the hand by Harley, and looked shell shocked as she rubbed her neck where she was injected.


Digger jogged over to where Charlotte was, eager, for some reason unknown to him, to cheer her up. He tapped her on the shoulder before swinging his arm around her neck and put a thoughtful expression on his face, "Ya know, if being a beaut was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged." He raised his eyebrows expectantly at Charlotte, grinning when he saw a faint smile grace her lips before she replied cheekily, "Is your dad a drug dealer? Cause you're so Dope." Boomerang dramatically clutched his chest, announcing dramatically, "I knew ya liked me all along!"

Charlotte, although enjoying the joking around that the two of them were sharing, didn't want him to get a bigger head than he already did, so she retorted, "Of course I like you, buddy." And then she skipped off to link arms with Harley in front of the group who was about to board the plane, as Digger smiled softly and shook his head at the beautiful, crazy woman.


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