Jokers Past

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This chapter is in Joker POV!!!

I know who that Joker guy is. It's Jonny Frost, my former henchman... When I started as a stand-up comedian there was this guy, Jonny. He helped me with my jokes but that didn't really work out that well as you know. After I stopped being a stand-up comedianA he got me into crime. I absolutely loved it. Finally I got the feeling that I was good at something. People started to fear me and notice me. But that wasn't enough for me. I wanted to be an icon, I wanted to be different then all the other people in crime. So after Batman threw me in the chemicals I dyed my hair green. I shaved my eyebrows off and I got a lot of tattoo's. I wanted to be me the most feared villain in Gotham. So I thought "let's go after the most beloved hero of Gotham." It was kind of a revenge thing since he was the one who threw me in the chemicals, but still I'm happy that it happened. I loved my life like that. But then everything changed when those guys found me and put me in Arkham Asylum. Life was tough there, luckily all the lunatics feared me and didn't even want to be near me. It was fun, but lonely. I needed some action. And then you came Harley. At first I just used you to get out of the Asylum, but I started to feel something I didn't feel for a very very long time, love. And you all know how that happened. Well after I discovered I had deep feelings for you I send you of on that rocket. Something happened when you were gone. Jonny confronted me with the fact that I shouldn't push the people away that love me. We got into a big fight and I obviously won. He walked away, saying something like 'gotta get my revenge.' Well and here comes the weird part. Harley, I told you that there were guys coming after me te execute me. I really thought that those guys were after me but they weren't, Jonny was after me. He got me and locked me up. After a week he dragged a body in there and started to paint it too make it look like me. It was pretty good. When I asked him why he was doing that he looked at me and said 'oohhh you're gonna love it' and just laughed. And the next thing I know I am here. This is his revenge. It's all about getting back at me. He made a deal with Amanda Waller and made her think it was me. Then he got us all here. He killed a fake Batman to get our attention and he dressed up as me. And God knows what he's going to do with us...

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