Ra's Al Ghul/Oliver Queen II

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Hee J! Listen, you wanna kill Ra's and I'm gonna help you without knowing the reason. So if I were you then I would then I would accept the fack that I had sex with Oliver Queen and we can go kill Ra's Al Ghul! Olivers face turned red and everyone looked suprised. Heh, sorry... So Ollie you wanna help us? We really can use your help.. I could see that he was too afraid too say no and he accepted it. We have a really good shot at killing him.
'Is it true Ollie?'
'Is what true?

'I heard stories about when you kill Ra's you become immortal..'
'No one ever succeeded at killing Ra's so I have absolutely no idea.'
What is our plan? Are we just going to suit up and go after him? Felicity Smoak joined our conversation, 'I don't think that it's a good idea to plan an attack. Ra's will find out about it and it's better to do a surprise attack.' Yea that's probably the right thing to do. How do we get there? I mean it's not like Joker or I own a plane. 'But I do.' Oliver looked proud while saying that. We got to his private plane. Whoa Ollie, you told me you were rich but this crosses the line, this is awesome. 'Why are you dressed so formal?' We made a quick stop before getting here.. I looked at J and I laughed. He laughed too but I could see it was forced. I grabbed my phone and texted him.

H: You okay?
J: Not really but don't worry about it, it's not your problem.
H: You kinda just made it my problem.
J: I have tried so hard to be nicer to you. That I can't be myself anymore. I'm getting tired of pretending to be someone else.
H: I fell in love with the crazy Joker, and you still are!
J: No Harley, I'm not!
H: Then what are you saying huh? You wanna break up with me? Then fine. We are going to get every badguy we know but after that. We are done.
J: offline

And here we go again. Another fight. He walked away. With a pissed of face. 'Is everything okay between you two?' Not really, I told him about the island. He didn't take it well. 'I'm sorry...' No it's not your fault, I was the one who made the move. You were only foolish enough to go with it. He looked guilty. Oh no sorry it now sounds like it was a mistake. But that was the best sex ever. So please do not feel guilty at al! Anyways why did you battle Ra's Al Ghul. I mean, that's pretty crazy. 'That's an incredibly long story and I won't bother you telling you it.' 

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