Audrey Riddle and the Soul Snatchers {HP Fan Fiction}

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Authors Note: 

I do not own Harry Potter.. J.K Rowling owns everything! This is just a fan fiction! 

Chapter One: Hogwarts Express

The leaking water from the ceiling drips down onto the floor with a splash. The dripping echo's through out the deserted orphanage. Another year.. Another chance to escape the loneliness. With everyone gone, there's never anything to do or anyone to talk to. I could send out letters to my friends, but what's the point? Their summers are probably going great while mine is the complete opposite. I'd hate to bring down their vacation just because mine isn't going as well as planned. Besides, my owl Lyle, has already made his way down to Hogwarts castle. 

Just a few more hours until I return to my favorite place.. A place where certain kids from all around England come together and learn how to control their powers.. A place where anything and everything is possible.. A place where magic is a gift not a flaw. 

A place where you are happily accepted and fit right in with the rest.

The thought of returning to Hogwarts causes my mood to flip around. A burst of anticipation and excitement rushes through me. Soon I'll be making my way into the crowded Kings Cross Station where platform 9 and 3/4 awaits for me. I'll be able to meet up with my friends I've made and aboard the Hogwarts Express. My fourth year at Hogwarts will be like no other. Of course I say that about every year.. But I will make it happen. I wan't this year to be filled with adventurous experiences. Ever since I have received my acceptance letter to Hogwarts four years ago, my life has changed dramatically. I now have the opportunity to leave the muggles behind and be with my own kind. I don't have anything against muggles, it's just that most muggles have something against me. Not many muggles know about my ability to perform witchcraft yet they always seem to dislike me. My own mother abandoned me. I guess I was not up to her standards as a child. I haven't seen her for the past five or so years. She is not dead.. Well, not that I know of. My father on the other hand is a full wizard. Last I've heard, my father is still a prisoner in a wizard jail called Azkaban. Both my parents are well and alive.. So you are probably wondering why I live in an orphanage. 

Orphans are supposed to have no parent's. Everyone here thinks I have no parents yet does not know my parents abandoned me. The only place I could go too was here.. A muggle prison I like to call it. All this place is, is a overly crowded house filled with helpless children. Now, you would think a helpless child would be nice for their own good. Wrong. These children have an ego so big, their heads can barley fit through the doorway. I for one, do not have an ego that large. I sure don't have an attitude problem either. 

The owner of this muggle prision, Mel, has taken out all the kids on vacation to the other side of England. For the past three months I have been alone. Mel is the only one who knows about my abilities and he is sure not a fan of it. Why do you think he didn't take me on the trip? He is afraid I'd do something to the other kids and ruin their vacation. I kept on telling him it is against the rules to use magic outside of Hogwarts during summer vacation unless there was a big emergency.. Yet he refused to take me. He see's me as one of those delinquent kids who needs an extra eye on them. Yeah sure, I'm unpredictable, but if I must, I will follow by the rules. I can't afford to get expelled from the one place I adore. Returning to Hogwarts is the only thing I look forward to during the summer. 

Truthfully, I don't understand why my mother gave me up. She is like a distant memory to me. I can barley remember what she looks like or remember the sound of her voice. All I can recall is this one bracelet she wore. It was a white gold charm bracelet. Each charm meant something to her, she would tell me. I remember one charm I was always so attracted too was a small witch hat. Before I even knew I was a witch, I would always play with that specific charm. Other than that, I don't remember much. She is also a full blooded witch like my father.. Which makes me full blood. 

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