Chapter Sixteen: The Made - Up Spell

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That is beyond my point I am trying to make here, Audrey. My name is unimportant. I know you because I do. I know you are witch... Thinking you were in Hogwarts was just a lucky guess I suppose.What I owe you is a life of safety. The foul creatures that lie within the forest is something unexplainable. Just please do not go out there. Only the evil awaits, and you, my Audrey, are the opposite... 

No signature. Again. I stand there while James beams a curious expression, his hand still scrubbing down the hippogriff. "You've got to be kidding me!" I eventually spat in disbelief. "No name! Again..." I flip the paper backwards, hoping I'd find a clue on who is writing to me. James drops his sponge and makes a frustrated noise. "Again... Bloody hell..." I hand him the paper, burying my head in my hand. "This person barley answered any questions" I murmur, shaking my head. The handwriting of the note is unfamiliar. Who is this person? Why wont they stop sugar coating the letter and just give me a specific answer. 

"Hm..." James thinks to himself. "Wonder if there's a spell to see who wrote this?" 

"That would be a life savor" I groan, glancing upward toward the sky. Another owl must of sent the letter, seeing as Nightwing is a night owl. "Should I write back?" 

James hesitates for a moment, his dark eyes plastered to the parchment. "No" he says simply, rolling the paper back up. "Not yet. We should take this to Teddy... He's all about solving cases. Maybe he has an idea. Whoever is writing this obviously knows you, Aud." 

"I know, I know" I sigh, watching at the purple soap potion that was once on our hippogriff seeps into her skin. Her feathers, fur and skin patches suddenly become shiny and freshly clean. "Bringing it to Teddy seems like the only choice we have." 

And that's exactly what we did. After all our classes have been dismissed, we decide to skip dinner and head up to the library to meet up with Teddy. Explaining to Albus was challenging. At first he was on to us. Finally, James made up a ridiculous excuse about how I have a 'thing' for Teddy and I want to be with him as much as possible. Before Albus could even ask why, we made a brake for it. 

"Woah, this may be just the first time I've been in here" Teddy chortles, plopping down into a wooden chair in front of a large table. I take a seat next to him and James slides into the chair in front of us. "Teddy this is your sixth year at Hogwarts" I bark in disbelief. "Yeah, and?" Teddy asks, raising his eyebrows. "I'd rather keep my distance from the demon dog, Rose." I roll my eyes in annoyance and slide the letter out of my robe pocket and onto the table, spreading the crinkles out so everyone could see. "Back on topic..." I mutter, pointing to the note. 

"Is there anyway we could find out who is writing these letters?" I ask hopefully. James already filled Teddy in on the whole letter from no one thing. Teddy taps his finger to his lip and scans the letter. "Maybe... I know a couple of spells... But I can't promise if they'll work." 

"Anything" I say willingly, "anything will be good enough. As long as we try." 

"Alright" Teddy retorts smoothly, snapping out his wand. "Here goes nothing... Aparecium!" he hisses. The paper reveals nothing. 

"No invisible ink" James sighs, leaning his head on his hand. 





"Quecendio Repardam"


"What the...?" Teddy glares at the parchment angrily. He drops his wand on the table and releases a heavily sigh. "Those are all the spells I learned so far this year to reveal any hidden parts of a letter." I groan grumpily and take out my own wand. 

"Fesend -uh- Dronium!" I yell, louder than I was supposed too. The paper flaps its corners as if in pain and flops on its backside. Suddenly, ink appears. My heart flops up and down with hope. All three of us bend closer to the paper, our eyes glittering wildly. 

Mailed By Postal Cell Resident: 014873 

"Cell resident?" Teddy draws out his words curiously. "Whats that suppose to mean?" 

"Maybe whoever sent the letter lives there?" James wonders aloud. 

"In a cell resident?" I ask cluelessly. 

"What spell did you use?" Teddy and James both ask at the same time.

"Er -- I kind of just made it up" I say with an embarrassed look. I bite down on my bottom lip anxiously, my eyes moving in between Teddy and James. 

"Are you serious?" Teddy exclaims so loudly, the Liberian hushes us angrily. 

"Yeah.. I, uh, just shouted the first words that popped in my head" I chuckle nervously with a shrug. "I guess its a real spell after all" 

"Wicked" James grins darkly. "Got anymore free words floating around in your mind?" 

I shake my head sadly. "Nope... That's all I got." 

"Well at least we got somewhere" Teddy says confidently with a proud nod. "We'll just have to branch off of this." 

"Agreed" I retort sharply, taking back the note. "Now... As of tomorrow..." 

"What about tomorrow? We're still going into the forest, right?" Teddy asks slowly, his eyes narrowing into tight slits. We both beam at James for a good enough answer. James opens his mouth to answer, but closes it quickly when a  boy strides up to us. Albus stands behind me, his mouth stuffed with cinnamon crumb pudding. "Hey guys" he says in a muffled tone. James rolls his eyes at Albus and nods his head to us. "Yeah, we're going. All of us. Including this dimwit here." He nods his chin to Albus who looks all the bit clueless. 

"But first..." I begin quickly, "I need to write back..." 


At the crack of midnight, I scoot out of my desk chair and take one more look at my letter. 

How about something more specific? With every letter you send, your information is lacking quality. I need some answers. Your name is important. Who are you? If such evil lies within the woods, then I'm sure Hogwarts is aware. Tell me whats inside or I wont listen. You don't know me, whoever this is. You have no idea... 


With that, I seal the letter, wrap it to the gray barn owl that sent me the second letter, and watch the bird soar out of my window and into the cool night air. Now the only thing left to do is sleep the night away until morning, where the whole group will get ready for our night adventure that awaits us. 

Audrey Riddle and the Soul Snatchers {HP Fan Fiction}Where stories live. Discover now