Chapter 3

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Ashton POV
Me and Luke excused ourselves to use the bathroom. When we were finished we headed back to the girls room.

Calum POV
As Emilie started to type on her phone I asked what she was doing, "what are you doing?" I asked her. "Um... I was just about to phone my mum, is there a problem?" "Yes!" I replied while snatching her phone from her hands. "WHAT THE HELL!" She screamed reaching for her phone, I pulled it out of her reach so she couldn't grab it. "You can't phone anyone because no one can know about this!" "Give me my phone back" she said with anger clear in her tone. I just simply shook my head, "no, your not having it no one can know anything about this as I said!" She just frowned and sunk back into the hospital bed. Jessica was just watching silently, slightly catching a glimpse at Michael every once in a while, him returning the same stare.

Luke POV
"We can't let the girls tell anyone about this," Ashton said, "Yeah I know." I simply stated back not really wanting to continue with this conversation, "We'll have to take them with us," Ashton replied back, my eyes widened, "What do you mean?" "Well we will have to take them we can ask them to come but if they don't then the only other option is to....." "Kidnap them?" I asked more of a question than a statement.

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