Chapter 9

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Michael POV
We got to the airport and I'm starting to think the girls are dead, I mean they haven't woke up or moved!

Then Emilie started to move about.

I quickly jumped back and give them more of that stuff that makes them sleep (AN/ I honestly don't know what it's called haha) and she stopped moving, I gave some to Jessica aswell just to be on the safe side. Then we got out of the.

Luke POV
We got them out of the car and our luggage, we almost made it passed security when they stopped us.

"Why are they sleeping?" One of the security guards asked us. "They fell asleep in the car, and they've had a hard day so we're letting them sleep" Ashton said, "I hope you boys aren't lying." He said to us.

"We aren't" Michael said.

Calum and I just stayed quite not wanting to lie.

We got on the plane and they stayed asleep for the whole flight to America.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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