Sally Jackson (The Seven.... Sort of)

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I mean no offense to anyone
All demigod/God characters and Sally belong to Rick Riordan
Any similarities with a character or location are completely incidental

WARNING: mentions child abuse

This one is set in 2011

Sally P.O.V.

My poor baby. I thought the Titan war would be the end of it, but then Hera had to go and steal his memories. I would love to give that goddess a piece of my mind.


Percy is finally coming home today after they defeated Gaea(Gaia) and he's bringing some new friends with him. Which is why I'm making my 5th batch of cookies. I was pulling them out of the oven when I heard the doorbell ring! I can't wait to see him.

When I open the door there are seven people standing there.
Percy, my baby. He looks tanner and more muscular and his eyes look a little broken but he's alive.
Annabeth is holding his hand. Her eyes look the same as Percy's but again she's ok and she's alive.

Next is a blonde boy who's eyes remind me of Thalia's. Siblings maybe? He's holding hands with a girl who has choppy brown hair, a Cherokee complexion and multicolored eyes. They must be dating.

Behind them was one of the strangest couples I've ever seen. There was a tall Chinese looking man with close cropped hair. He was really muscular and he would of been more intimidating if his eyes didn't look so friendly. Next to him was a petite girl who looked a couple years younger. She had dark skin and cinnamon colored hair with 14 karat gold eyes.

Lastly was a boy who looked familiar. He was Latino with curly brown hair and brown eyes. He was a little shorter than the other boys and less muscular and he couldn't stay still. He must be a seriously ADHD demigod.

"Percy!" I exclaimed as I wrapped him in a hug.
"Come in come in. Why don't you bring everyone to the living room and I'll go get the cookies and then you can introduce everyone."

When I walked back into the the living room everyone is settled and Percy starts to make introductions.

"Mom- he says as he points to the blond and his girlfriend- this is Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, full blood sister of Thalia and his girlfriend is Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite and Tristan McLean."

Then he points to the Chinese man and his girlfriend.
"This is Frank Zhang, Son of Mars and descendant of Poseidon, and his Girlfriend Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto half sister of Nico. Lastly we have Leo Val-"
I had to interrupt him. I finally remembered why Leo looked so familiar.

"Leo? Leo Valdez? Do you remember me?"
"I can't say I do ma'am"
Before I can say anything Percy, being Percy is curious.

"Mom you've met Leo before?"
"Percy you've met him before to. Don't you remember?"
"Mom I don't know what your talking about"
"2004 Percy, the hospital"

A look of realization crosses over both of there faces. Then they run to each other and hug.

Piper P.O.V.

I'm honestly so f*cking confused. 2004 the hospital, what does that mean? Whatever it is it clearly meant a lot to both of them.

Leo P.O.V.

It all came back to me.


I was sitting in a hospital bed, in the pediatric ICU. This was my ......10th time? Yeah I think it was my 10th time. Why do they give foster kids to families who don't want them?
I've already been here for two days. I'll probably be here for a while though considering I was 'accidentally' stabbed with a beer bottle. I'm all alone in this room and I don't know whether to be relieved or sad. Relieved that no other kid is hurt and I don't have to talk to anyone to make awkward conversation with. Or sad because I have no one to talk to.

I was about to fall asleep when the door opened and they brought in a kid who looked around my age. He had messy black hair and I couldn't see his eyes cause he was sleeping. From the looks of it he just came from surgery. Once all the doctors determined he was stable, they left and I finally drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up I looked over and saw that the other kid was awake now.

"Hi I'm Leo. What's your name?"
He looked hesitant to tell me.
"Ummm hi Leo my names Percy."
"So why are you here Percy?"

I thought it was an innocent question but I could tell by the way his eyes darkened I was wrong.

"My stepfather....... He, uh..... decided I'm a good punching bag. He broke a couple of my ribs, and gave me some internal bleeding. What about you?"

"Well similar to you except it was my foster parents. They stabbed me with a beer bottle."
"Leo can you promise me something?"

"Yeah, what?"

"We need to stick together, if we do we'll be ok"
He had so much confidence in his voice that I didn't question him.
"We'll stick together. I promise"

We became great friends over the next 2 weeks that we shared that room. He even gave me his address for when things got rough. That was also good for him cause his stepdad Gabe would lighten up his 'punishment'.

Of course I eventually stopped visiting. I never thought I'd see him again.

~~~Flashback Over~~~

"Oh my gods! Percy? Oh my gods. That means that actually happened and and and......."I couldn't help it and I broke down crying. The seven, I never thought they would understand so I never told them. But one of them did understand. In a way no one should ever have to.

"Oh my gods Leo. Someone finally understands. Wait, do the others know?"
"No I never told anyone cause I didn't think they would understand. How did I not realize this before?"

We were still hugging and crying when we heard an awkward cough.
It was Piper.

"So...... You guys clearly know each other. But I think we're all confused as to how."

I decided I would try to answer this one.

"Well your right. We go way back"
"Before CHB?"
"Before we found out we were demigods"

Everyone looked shocked. I can't blame them though. I mean you just found out two of your friends how known each other for years and they didn't realize it.

Piper apparently was very curious today so she was asking a bunch of questions.

"What does the 2004 the hospital mean?"
"That's where we met."
"Why were you in the hospital?"
"We were there for the same reasons. We were in the same Pediatric ICU room. I was there for a two and a half weeks. I don't know how long Percy was there for. I got released before him."

Percy decided to join the conversation.

"I was there for about a week after you. So about 3 weeks."

I was shocked, I couldn't believe him. I was beyond anything I could express so I settled for a simple statement.
"Oh gods Percy, I knew it was bad but I didn't know it was that bad."

He response I think shocked me the most.

"Its fine Leo, really. I was used to it remember. That wasn't even the worst time. I mean a couple months later I was there for 2 months."

Wow, I never thought anyone would understand me. But I knew, at that moment that I had found my true family and I was never leaving them.

That was a promise.


I'm sorry I'm such a terribly person. I have really bad writers block and I haven't had as much time for Wattpad. Things in my personal life have been a wreck and I know that isn't an excuse I just hope you understand. I probably won't be updating for a couple months, I really am sorry. If you have a plot for a one shot then let me know hopefully it will help me get past my writers block.

Once again I truly am sorry and I'm extremely thankful for all the reads and votes!


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