Mrs. Velvet Jaradat (The seven+Calypso, Solangelo and Thalia)

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I mean no offense to anyone
All demigod/God characters belong to Rick Riordan
Any similarities with a character or location are completely incidental
This ones the teachers P.O.V.

Mrs. Jaradat P.O.V.~No Mist

I walk into Goode High School. It was my first day on the job even though it was October. Since the Greek gods revealed themselves there were a few new classes, one of them being Greek mythology. I'm the new Greek mythology teacher and I'm nervous to meet one group. I keep hearing about "The eleven". Apparently they are this group of kids that have all the same classes together except their electives. Oh look at the time, it's time for my first block and I heard "The eleven" are in this block.

As students were filing in for class I could already tell some of the cliques. A group of three girls followed by three guys walked in. You could tell they thought highly of themselves because the girls faces were caked with makeup, they were wearing revealing clothes and high heels. While the boys walked with their heads held high, jocks.

Then I saw them, the famous "Eleven". First thing I noticed was most of them were tan, except for two of them.
First there was a tan boy with black windswept hair are sea green eyes, his eyes would have been even more attractive if they didn't look so broken. He had obvious muscles and a girlfriend. His arm was wrapped around a girl, again with a tan but she had honey-blond hair that was really curly. I thought maybe she was a dumb blond but I stopped thinking that when I looked at her eyes. They were stormy grey and they looked like they were judging your every move, but like the boys they looked broken. Also like the boy she had muscles.

After them was a  girl who had choppy brown hair yet it looked good. She had a Cherokee complexion and I couldn't decide what color her eyes were. She had her arms around a guy I can only describe as blond superman. Again they were both tan and muscular.

Next was an odd couple. A younger looking girl with a dark skin tone, muscles, curly cinnamon hair and 24karot gold eyes. She was holding hands with a very tall Asian looking man with close cropped brown hair and a lot of muscles. He would of been more intimidating if his eyes didn't look so friendly.

Two boys walked in next. They were total opposites but I could tell they were a couple because they were holding hands. The first guy was one of the only pale people in the group. He had longish black hair and really dark eyes that I could've sworn were looking into my soul. He was wearing all black but like the other people in the group he had muscles. He was holding hands with a blond haired boy who had crystal clear blue eyes, a very nice tan and 'surprise' muscles.

Next was a scrawny looking Latino who looked like he had serious ADHD. He has curly brown hair and brown eyes. Even though he was scrawny I had a feeling he was just as strong as the other people. He was walking with a very pretty girl who had caramel colored hair and almond eyes. These two like most of the others were tan.

Lastly a girl walked through the door. She had the same eyes as blond superman but the similarities stopped there. This girl had short spikey black hair with blue streaks in it. She was pale like the black haired boy but she looked healthier. Like the others she had muscles but she had no boyfriend/girlfriend.

The eleven sat in the back and they already looked bored. Almost like they knew everything there is to know about Greek mythology. I bet they won't get anything right.

~~~~~~time lapse, two weeks later~~~~~~

They haven't gotten a single question wrong. They've even corrected me a couple of times. Of course plenty of people studied the Greek gods as soon as they were revealed so that's probably why. But we're done studying the gods. Now we have to work our way from the bottom up. It's time to study Tartarus.

Like always the eleven sit in the back of the class. At this point people have stopped flirting with them after the last person ended up in the hospital. There's no way they know much about Tartarus. Only demigods and gods know a lot of stuff. Even as a teacher I don't know much.

"Hello class. As you all know we are done learning about the gods so we are going to start on a new unit today. The Underworld. Specifically Tar-"

I can't believe one of the eleven had the nerve to interrupt me. Surprisingly it was Nico.

"Don't you dare say it"
"Say what? All I was going to say was Ta-"
"Don't say it"

Now it was all of the eleven except for Percy and Annabeth who both looked very pale. They were all giving me death glares.

The rest of the class looked as confused as I felt.

"What's wrong with saying Tartarus?" I said this as fast as I could so they couldn't interrupt me again. I regret it.

As soon as I finished that sentence they all looked a Annabeth, her eyes glazed over and she let out a blood-curdling scream. "PERCY WHERE DID YOU GO?"

Percy immediately begin to hold her so she couldn't get away and started whispering in her ear. It was then I noticed all the scars. I felt like an idiot. They were all amazing at Greek even when I tried to catch them off guard they got the answer right. They were all athletic and they had scars all over their bodies. They were demigods.

Thalia walked up to me as everyone else was taking Percy and Annabeth out of the room.

"Didn't they ever teach you that names have power? Well even if they did, it doesn't matter because you ruined their rehab. They were doing so great, neither of them have had a flashback in over a week but you just had to ruin it."

If looks could kill, I'd be dead nine times over.

Then Thalia joined the rest of the group and they all left.

Wow I never thought I would be teaching a bunch of demigods in my Greek class.
I guess there's a first time for everything in the world.

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