Cinthia Mhoonlace(Solace-Di Angelo's)

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I mean no offense to anyone
All demigod/God characters belong to Rick Riordan
Any similarities with a character or location are completely incidental

1K READS!!!!!! Thank you guys so much. I never expected so many people to read this book. Since I got 1K reads, you get an extra chapter.

Cinthia P.O.V.~Mist

Hello there! My name is Cinthia Mhoonlace but to my students it's just Miss Cinthia. I am a kindergarten teacher at Blu school complex in Manhattan. My daughter is going to be in my class this year and I just hope that the students are friendly and good influences for her. I had my daughter Lilly when I was 32. See I'm a single mom and Lilly has ADHD and dyslexia so she needs nice friends who understand her struggles.

It's the first day of school. That means the parents come in with the kids. We were all sitting in a circle, only missing one family. The Solace-Di Angelo's.

Then the door flew open and three people walked in. The first was a man with longish black hair, pale olive skin and obsidian eyes. He kind of reminds me of Lilly's dad. Next was a man who was like the total opposite. He had blonde hair crystal blue eyes and a perfect tan. In between them was a little girl. She looked a lot like the first man with long black hair, tan olive skin and Hazel eyes. They all joined us at the circle.

"Hello everyone, you can call me Miss Cinthia. I'll be your kindergarten teacher this year. Now to start everyone is going to say their names and a couple things about yourself. Lilly why don't you start."

"Hi my names Lilly Mhoonlace, Miss Cinthia is my mom and I never met my dad. I have ADHD and dyslexia."

Everyone introduced themselves and last was the Solace-Di Angelo's.

First was the man wearing black.
"My names Nico Solace-Di Angelo, I'm a counselor at a camp for kids with ADHD and dyslexia that's where I met Will."

"Hi everyone I'm Will Solace-Di Angelo, I'm also a counselor at this camp."

"I'm Bianca Solace-Di Angelo, but you can call me Bia. I have ADHD and dyslexia, I'm fluent I'm Greek and Italian and I love singing." (She is Bianca)

Then I finished up our meeting.

"I can tell this is going to be a wonderful year!"

~~~~~~~~~~Time Lapse, Two Months Later~~~~~~~~~~

Bia and Lilly became friends right away. She often spent days at our house because her dads had an emergency at camp. They would do their schoolwork together to make it more fun.

One day when Bia came over she looked panicked.

"Where's Lilly?"
"She's in her ro-"

Bia ran up the stairs so naturally I followed.

"Lilly can you read this?"

She was holding up paper that had words written in a different language. Maybe Greek?

Lilly's eyes widened when she saw it.

"Yeah, yeah I can. Are you serious?"
"Yes I'm serious but we need to leave now. Miss Cinthia do you know what Lilly's fathers name was?"
"No I can't say I do."
"What did he look like?"
"Um sort of like your father Nico."
"Oh my gods, Miss Cinthia I'm sorry but I know who Lilly's dad is and for her safety I need to take her to camp."
"Why does she need to go to camp?"
"Miss Cinthia I'm sorry to ask but are you religious?"
"No I'm not religious but what does that have to do with Lilly's dad?"

I was a little panicked now. Nothing Bia was saying made any sense.

"Um so this might come as a shock but the Greek gods are real. All the myths, well they aren't myths. Sometimes the gods 'mate' with mortals resulting in a demigod. Often they have ADHD and dyslexia. Nico and Will are demigods, so is Lilly. I need to take Lilly to the camp that they work at. It's a safe place for demigods, so that Lilly doesn't get attacked by monsters."

To say this was a shock would be an understatement.

"Wait so who's her dad?"
"The same at Nico's"

That was where the story of Lilly, daughter of Hades began.


Eh. It was a little short but whatever. Thanks again for 1K reads.

Don't forget to vote, comment, make suggestions and share my story. It means the world to me!


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