Chapter one - Unknown Breed

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Fiiiight!!! Fight fight fight!...(Pokemon gathered and yelling).

Mr. Mime:"ladies! And gents!, it's been a while since we pokemon have had a fight!!, today our contestant have decided to fight over an apple! Over an apple people!! Is Ratatta vs Raticate and ohh! Boy is going to be huge!!!.
Ratatta: "RATICATE!! you always have the last apple, is time for you to give it up! Or face me!! Raticate: Well if it isn't the RAT that nobody likes, too bad you haven't evolve yet! I might have had a challenge!! Jejeje.. Ratatta: (growls) oh! Yeah!? We'll see about that!...
Mr. Mime: Wooow! And so the fight starts!!! I'm preetty sure! All bets are in! Yeeeeowww!! I know that most of you go to Raticate but don't be fooled Ratatta might have a few tricks up his tail!!

Ratatta: Over time I have master electrical moves jajaja.. Let me show you my greatest one! Volt-Tackle!!!

Mr. Mine: Wooow what an attack!! Who would have thought he could do that!!

Raticate receives a heavy blow, but comes back with a quick recovery.

Raticate: (with heavy breathing) jeje don't worry I've got some of my own! I'll use DOUBLE KICK!!!

Mr. Mime: oh! Noo that's a fighting move! I think Ratatta is done for!!! Hold on to your seats ladies and gents!!

Raticate strikes Ratatta hard but Ratatta had also charged a thunderbolt and at the same time they hit each other.. They both get pushed away by the attacks and land hard on the ground, right next to the apple. When suddenly another pokemon appears from the ground.

"Oh!! I can't believe it!! It's an apple!!!"

Ratatta and Raticate:(at the same time) Diglett!??


Diglett: Uh oh!! Taking my apple! Byeee!!!!

Mr. Mime: Hahahaha well folks! There you have it the winner is! Surprisingly DIGLETT!!!

Diglett comes out in front of the audience and starts shaking his head as a means of thanks! Takes his apple and leaves...

Later that afternoon, on the land of Lucarios a young Lucario named Kain was playing with his younger brother Saturo, in the forest of kariko not knowing the dangers that awaited ahead.

"Come on! Kain!! We gotta hurry, the forest river is said to only be good at a certain hour!!" said Saturo

"Okay okay! Just don't pull me, but remember we have to be back before sunrise... Said Kain

"Yes of course!"... The two young Lucarios were headed deep into the forest were there was a mystical river that was said to help raise a level when they were ready, they were still a Riolu but they were the sons of the great Mega Lucario the only one capable of mega evolving without the need of a trainer. It happened before all pokemons were brought to their new home, planet Pokemon... A great war had overcome planet earth and the greatest trainers of the world had gathered to fight against a once thought to be dead leader of the very first enemy of all trainers.. Team Rocket, Giovanni. He had some how survived his battle with the most known trainer Ash Ketchum, Ash had become the second most powerful trainer, the first being Red. Giovanni had managed to keep himself alive with technology and with his best medical crew and scientists he transformed his body into a biomechanical human, the very first of his kind. With his biomechanical body he could easily talk to his pokemon and easily influence them with his evil, turning innocent pokemon into war machines. Another ability he had was, that he could turn any pokeball into a masterball because of the way his influence takes place inside the pokemon's head.

So all trainers in the world took a stand against this new evil and were nearly destroyed by Giovanni, until Red appeared to help. Red came flying with his mega Charizard, the Charizard he grew up with.. Along side his other pokemon he managed to bring Giovanni to his knees and Giovanni was once again defeated, using a ring of fire and psychic energy Red's Pokemon took Giovanni to a fortress deep in the cold mountains were a high security prison was built.. And there they had incarcerated him using the latest electromagnetic locking system and full bodied locks... To keep him from escaping and again retain his powers.

After the war ended, many pokemon were seriously injured and had to take a long time before they could recover. Many human lives were lost too, so the leaders of the world and the elite four, gathered and made an unimaginable decision, to move all the pokemon to a new planet and have the humans live alone in planet earth.

Saturo: "Brother Kain! Look we are here!!"

Kain: "this is beautiful!! The water is so crystalline and its very big!!

Saturo: "Well brother, I don't know about you but... LAST ONE IN IS A ROTTEN EGG!!"

Kain: "HEY!!!" WAIT FOR MEE!!!!

They ran and started enjoying the water, and as it was told they did grew a level and became stronger. However... Planet Pokemon was a new planet for them and the humans did not do a thorough analysis, because at first glans they thought the planet would be a safe place for them. Little did they know that other creatures lived deep within, for the planet was a hollow one and inside was like another planet with an internal sun like core.

Kain: "Hey Saturo! Don't go too deep!

Saturo: " Okay Brother!

As Saturo swam, Kain saw a huge shadow underneath going towards Saturo. Kain: " SATURO!! GET BACK RIGHT NOW!!!"

Saturo could not hear what Kain was saying, when suddenly from deep inside the river a massive monster emerged, causing the river to make big waves pushing Saturo and Kain far apart from each other. The monster was 50 feet tall he had 4 wings and looked like if Rayquaza had the body of Groudon.

Kain: "What massive Pokemon!! Were did it come from!?... (he gets startled) Saturo!! I must find him..

Kain spent hours looking for Saturo but to no avail. Back at his village, his parents got worried sick and gathered a group of Lucarios to help search for their sons.

Kain: "SATURO!! SAA.. TUU.. ROO!!!
Man where could he be!?..

Kain worried about his brother but unable to do anything he returned to the village, were he saw that no one was around, but Kain did see something, it was another monster, another he did not know of.

Kain: "Who are you?" (he asks nervously)

???: "Why hello! My name is Melidi from the Melidiany clan, and who might you be?

Kain: "My name is Kain, from here the Lucario Clan.." I've never seen a pokemon like you! "

Melidi: "Pokemon? I've never heard of such a word! Sounds silly! (she chuckles)
Kain: "Oh I see! We were called that before we were moved to this planet is a short word for Pocket Monster.

(Kain's parents yelling from afar. "KAIIIIIN!! )

Kain "hmm? Oh is Mom and Dad! DAAD MOOOM!! hey Melidi would you like to..... Huh? Where did she go??

Kain's parents: "Oh kain! We were so worried about you! And were is Saturo? What happened to you boys out there?

Kain told them what had happened and had also told them about Melidi, his parents were a bit confused about what he said, but still they didn't doubt it. The Lucarios had gathered again to do a rescue mission to try and find Saturo.

Witnessing the new breed of pokemon from this unknown planet, Kain and his family begin the search for Saturo and answers to better understand this new world.

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