[Make your own character]

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I'm writing a new chapter, it's coming soon~

My Chihuahua is guarding me and scratches at me whenever I try and go on my phone or computer though, so it's hard to write anything... I need to cut his nails...😅😅😅

Anyway, I'm thinking of introducing a new main character, just because. But Nightmare-Sama, it's the beginning of the book! You definitely need waaay more than just one new character, right? Yes, readers, I get that. There will definitely be more main characters, and some main antagonist appearances.

More to the point, if anyone wants an original character inserted into the book, just let me know. I love doing those kind of things, so don't be shy~

Here's a character format I would like you to use, and keep in mind, the character may be a main one, and it may not. It just depends.

(a star* means something is optional)

Occupation (student, bartender, etc.):
Hair color:
Eye color:
*Sexual orientation:
They hate it when...:
They love it when...:
Three major personality traits:
If they could have any superpower, what would it be?:
*Favorite food:
*Favorite animal:

Three character maximum per person, please.

That should be it! Thanks guys, see ya soon!


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