The Demon I Cling Too- Chapter One - The dark mark

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The demon i cling too- Chapter one

I flicked my stray and harshly dark long hair to the back of me and continued to follow The Dark Lord down the muddy and bendy road. Narcissa followed close behind along with Lucius, Draco and Severus. Nagini’s thick and large emerald green body slithered over the bumps on the dusty ground while Voldemort slowly hissed to her. As his voice hit my ears a strange burning feeling filled me inside poisoning me. He would whisper and murmur more to her then ever to myself.  And it killed me. “My lord, could we just apparate to Malfoy Manor?” Lucius asked, though I’m sure he regretted it as Voldemort pointed his dark wand toward Lucius’ pale pointed face which was surrounded by pale blond hair, he carried his walking stick decorated by a snakes head which contained his wand low to the ground as he shook with terror. “Lucius, never question your Master’s demands as it could end in a painful death.” Voldemort spat and then turned swiftly back around to whisper to Nagini some more. The releasing of Lucius from Voldemort’s evil stare caused Narcissa to take his hand but then drop it as she gathered the glare from Snape.

I walked close behind Voldemort where we crossed over to a drive way which led away from the dusty road; beyond I could make out two large iron gates blocking the way to a huge castle like house that grew from the darkness. As we reached the huge iron gates The Dark Lord made way for Lucius to come forth. He made gesture to the gate which then allowed us to pass through it. We reached the large house and the grand front door swung open when I arrived as it recognised me until now I have only apparated to the front door never walked all the way up to it. I and Voldemort were the first to enter the large manor. Nagini close by his side. The hallway which led to the drawing room was also large and very dimly lit it was dark and decorated by a magnificent rug which lay on the cold stone floor. The heels on my black boots tapped along the floor as we entered the huge room.  The dark drawing room had a long black table which a few very silent people all ready sat at, those of who I had already invited to join us.  A blond woman with many cuts and bruises on her face was suspended in the air just floating, tears rolled down her face as she just hung there, guarded by Wormtail. I suspect Voldemort abducted her over the holidays and I was sure we would find out just why very soon. I moved my attention over to the rest of the room, most of the dark furniture had been pushed carelessly against the walls which I had told Draco to do earlier making room for the meeting. The room was decorated by portraits’ of pale faced elders who followed Voldemort as he glided over to the head seat. A very large spinning fire which was the only real light source lay under a brilliant marble mantelpiece. Two great crystal chandeliers hung over the large table though they were not lit.

I took my seat and began to listen to other members of the meeting rant about The Boy Who Lived and how he must be killed, though I did agree he must be killed the fact Voldemort would be a main character in this did cause me to worry. I cleared my throat which got Voldemort’s attention “My Lord, I'd like to volunteer for this task. I want to kill the boy.”  A loud and terrorising scream from the Cellar interrupted The Dark Lords reply. “WORMTAIL! Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guest quiet?” Voldemort yelled over the scream. “Yes, my Lord. Right away, my Lord.” Wormtail scuttled away leaving a tense feeling which hung above me. “As inspiring as I find your bloodlust Bellatrix, I must be the one to kill Harry Potter.” Lord Voldemort finally replied though his words made me slump back in my wooden chair and simply nod my head. Suddenly the attention went from Voldemort himself to the women who was now suspended over the table, as she floated closer towards the centre of the table with voldermort controlling her movement her sobs became louder and more uncontrollable. “To those of you who do not know: we are joined tonight by Ms. Charity Burbage, who until recently taught at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry. Her speciality was Muggle Studies. It is Ms. Burbage's belief that Muggles are not so different from us. She would, given her way, have us... mate with them. “The Dark Lord spoke. “Blehh” I squeaked, trying to show my full support of Voldemorts actions. I laughed and the rest of the table joined mocking Ms. Burbage. “To her the mixture of magical and muggle blood is not an abomination, but something that should be encouraged.” As the words left The Dark Lords mouth Nagini began to slither closer toward him. Charity’s attention turned to Snape who she knew from Hogwarts. I didn’t take my eyes of Voldemort as she pleaded with Snape. “Severus, please. We’re friends.” The pleading most definetly came to a rightful end as Voldermort yelled, “Avada Kedavra!” she quickly slammed down onto the large table. Draco’s terrified face angered me, why must he look as though The Dark Lord did wrong? Nagini slithered onto the table as Voldermort stroked her scaly head. “Nagini...Dinner.” He hissed and soon enough the giant snake was feeding of her mangled body.

The meeting ended and the room fell silent as many aporated out of the manor. Voldemort, who was yet to leave, had Wormtail scuttering around him, trying to help him in any way possible. “WORMTAIL LEAVE!” Voldemort yelled bitterly making Wormtail jump out of his skin. “Of-Of-C-Course, My Lord!” Wormtail said and then ran away as quickly as possible. "My lord, it is a true honour to have you here in our family’s house. There really can be no higher pleasure" I whispered slowly getting closer to him. “Yes, I should think so.” He replied. I edged closer toward him. “Your speech was magnificent.” I whispered again pouting my lips as I walked behind him. “My Lord...” I spoke questioning his silence. I turned to face him. His very unnaturally long fingers crept over his wand like spiders legs. His cat like blue eyes had turned cold, colder than ever. His skeleton like body fell to the floor. “My Lord! My Lord!” I reached out for him, helping his pale body up. Though he quickly pushed me aside. “I do not need your help!” He yelled the words ringing through my head as I continually tried to pull him up. Though he quickly threw me away once again. “My lord!” I screamed. Snape entered the room in reply to my screams. Voldemort picked himself up and walked over to table gripping a chair. I crouched over on the floor.  “We must kill the boy!” He screamed his terrifying voice echoed through the cold manor. Snape bowed his head then wrapped up in a thick cloud of black ink disappeared.

Lucius entered the room and quickly walked over to me. Noticing my frightened state he helped me from the floor. I bit my lip as he stood closer to me. Ever since Lucius became a Death Eater he was without a doubt the friendliest toward me. “Thank you...Lucius.” I whispered in his ear as I lay my head on his shoulder and then quickly pulled awa. I did without a doubt have a small crush on him though he loved Narcissa... and she is my sister. From the corner of my eye I saw Voldemort watching me his eyes looking as if let alone they could kill millions. I pulled away from Lucius and walked over to Voldemort. “My Lord, are you OK?” I questioned. Without a single answer he vanished like Snape did many moments ago yet slightly more dramatic. I realised what I had done and felt...well I’m ashamed to say this but proud. I had made Voldemort jealous. Voldemort, the greatest wizard of all time was jealous because of ME.

enjoy, and let me know xxxxxxxxx

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