The Demon I Cling Too- Chapter Three - Seen and unforseen

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Draco's POV

My eyes were bulging from their sockets. Had i really just seen..My farther and..and Bellatrix Lestrange..kissing. My heart began to moan and i felt as if the floor had been taken from under me and i was falling..falling in to the un-known the unexpected. 

"Draco..Please-this-this is not how it looks." My farthers voice echoed through the manor though only several meters away from this shocking scene, i felt miles away as if i was floating watching from above. My emotions suddenly took control and i turned swiftly around and almost ran out slamming the large arched door. 

I conituned to run down the very dimly light hall way, maginifecnt velvet bergundy curtains blew as i rushed past them letting in sharp rays of faint sun light. "Master Malfoy, could i be of service to you?" Wormtail called from the top of the hall way. Though i did not reply, my blood is still raging. 

I moved swifty up the spiral of dark oak staircases to the very top floor. A large black door stood ajar. I pushed the door open volently making a very loud echo travel down the many sets of staircases. I slumped down on my hard bed. Thoughts began to rush through my mind. My rage was taking over as my pale hand clenced into a dark red.

I stomped over to a large bookcase it was completly packed with all diffrent shades of purple and emerald books. Their spines all finely eched with gold lettering. 'THE  DARKEST OF ARTS' , ' MAGICK MOSTE EVILE' 'CONFRONTING THE FACELESS' ; all books which have been purchased by my Farther. I lifted the nearest one too me. Its gold letter marked out the words  'THE RISE AND FALL OF THE DARK ARTS' its brand new emerald hardback cover had never been opened. I slammed the book down on the ground letting out an almighty yell. And threw my hands to the others knocking them down onto the wooden floor, their covers all flicked open revealing many pages about useless Dark Magick. 

No Dark Spell could help. Couldn't help me stop replaying the awful scene in my mind. Couldn'te erase the guilt for my poor mother. I kicked the pile of books and slammed my door. Nothing could help me now, for i had seen the sight that would change and destroy my whole furture. My eyes prickled as thick warm tears began to roll down my pale pointed face. 

Bellatrix POV

Large slamming noises spiraled down the oak stairs. I look as Lucius' pale face. His expression was no puzzle to read he was scared..terrified. 

"Lucius I- " I began to speak though was interupted by a large slam as a door shut behind me. Boots cliped along the marble hall way floor. I span around to see a very puzzeld Narccisa. Her Hair was pulled behind her ears. 

"What is all this noise?! Has the Dark Lord left?" she questioned looking around the large hall way her eyes followed up to the stairs where loud slamming noises where still echoing from. "Draco? What is wrong with him?"

More questions. 

"Is my boy ok?"

"Did you say something to him Lucius?!" 

"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Cissy screamed. 

"Cissy-" I began to explain


"Narcissa! How dare you speak to me like that!" My voice squeaked as my heart began to race. 

"I SHALL SPEAK TO YOU AS I PLEASE!" Narcissa screamed as her hands shook with furry. 

"NARCISSA I WILL NOT HAVE YOU TALK LIKE THAT TO BELLA!" Lucius pushed his slim body infront of me. Lucius was protecting! not Narcissa. My heart began to beat very hard against my chest. Narcissa's face suddenly chanaged form anger to hurt.

Suddenly a large yell from the top of the tall manor had gathered all are attention. Draco's pale and pointy face was leaning over the balcony. "LEAVE MY MOTHER ALONE!" Draco screamed. Suddenly he was dragging a slim object over the wall,his wand.. he was clearly using it as a threat.

"I DO KNOW SOME PRETTY AWFUL SPELLS!"  He yelled. His eyes were set on mine, he was not watching his wand which he was still dragging on the wall it was approching a tall slim glass vase it held several tall purple Lilly's. Suddenly Dracos eyes switched to the falling Vase that he had pushed..accidently..i think. A scream escaped my mouth as the sparkling vase began to spin and twirl down from the top floor. 

My reaction was so slow too slow.. The glass landed infront of my black boots and spat out lumps of thick sparkling glass. "BELLATRIX!" Lucius screamed as he suddenly gripped my arm. I looked down at my wrist which had began to throb and sting.

A large shard of glass landed in my slim wrist. A deep gash had been formed as dark red blood spilled over my chalk like skin. His pale blue eyes had began to fill with salty tears as had mine as we both noticed the blood that had escaped from the corset of my black gown. A large triangliaur shard of glass had caused a deep cut in my chest. My hand which was covered in deep red blood was pulled away from my chest by Lucius who held it. 

Lucius POV

My heart had sunk. How had i not protected Bella. Anger flurished in side me..DRACO. I was looking at Bellas deep dark eyes as thick warm tears rolled down her pale face. I wiped them with my pale hands and looked up at where Draco had been stood though he was no longer there. My arms wrapped around her skinny vunerable body. I had never seen her vunerable and innocent before. I rubbed my long pale fingers over her teary cheeks and leaned closer to her. My heart began to race.

A large noise dragged me out of my thoughts and feelings. The Dark Lord has apporated into the manor. He was surronded by a cloud of thick black smoke. "BELLA!" He glided over to me and Bellatrix. His elegant black robes brushed my knees and he bent down over Bella. He pushed his thin and long fingers through hers and entiwned them. THE DARK LORD WAS SHOWING AFFECTION..TO BELLA! MY..BELLA. A strange sort of anger fluttered inside of me. But why...

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