Chapter 30

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Calum's POV:

Calum: Luke... You know that she was only joking right.

You: yeah... Okay. *drinks some water*

Luke: Y/N!

Calum: wait, you're serious?!

You: no. Maybe.

Calum: GIRL!!!

Luke: Y/N, don't! *starts crying*

You: alright Luke, I won't. *kisses him*

Luke: promise?!

You: promise *kisses him*

Calum: so I guess you only got 1 job. :)

You: yay. *rolls your eyes*

Luke: at least it's a decent job.

Ashton: hey Y/N... *walks in with Michael*

Luke: hey.

You: hey! *is eating*

Luke's POV:

Luke: has your fever gone down?

You: yeah. :)

Luke: oh? *feels your forehead*

You: it has?

Luke: yeah :)

You: thanks Luke :)

Calum: awww! *smiles*

You: you guys can go if you want. I can pretty much live alone now :)

Luke: really?

You: uh huh. Thanks.

Luke: alright then... See you later? *kisses you*

Calum: are you sure? :/

You: yeah... *signals Calum to not let Luke know that you're lying so Luke cuz you felt bad that he didn't have much sleep because of you*

Luke: okay then :) call me if you need anything or something!

You: I will! *kisses Luke*

Luke: bye. *leaves*

Calum's POV:

Calum: Y/N?

You: yeah?

Calum: I know you feel bad :/

You: you guys shouldn't be troubled with my problems. :/

Calum: Y/N, we don't care! You mean the world to us! *hugs you*

You: you are probably tired :/ you should go back home and rest.

Calum: Y/N... :/

You: yeah?

Calum: stop. We love you so don't ever feel bad.

You: I can't take it! *leaves the house*

Calum: wait! *runs after you*

You: don't follow me Calum! *begs*

Calum: hey!!! *is still running after you*

Your POV:

You: don't come any closer or I'll jump! *reaches to level 13 of a abandoned building*

Calum: Y/N! *starts crying*

You: I'm ending this here!

Calum: NO!!! *cries even more*

You: I'll be with my mom!

Calum: NO, Y/N! Think of Luke! *tries to reason with you*

You: I'm leaving. *jumps but Calum catches you in time*

Calum: Y/N! *grabs on to you tightly*

You: Calum! Why are you doing this?! *is crying*

Calum: don't let go! *is grabbing on to you*

You: let go Calum! *is crying*

Calum: NO! *tries his best and finally managed to pull you in*

You: why didn't you just let go?!!

Calum: Y/N! *is hugging you while you're on top of him*

You: oh my god! *gets off Calum and sits in one corner crying*

Calum: Y/N, don't do it again! *carries you while walking*

You: thanks :/

Calum: I got you. *is carrying you while walking home*

You: where are we going? :/

Calum: home.

You: oh.

Calum: you scared the shit out of me!

You: I told you to not follow me :/

Calum: Y/N! I saved you! *is all sweaty while carrying you*

You: put me down.

Calum: no!

You: I'll walk :/

Calum: it's fine. We've reached. *gently puts you down*

You: I'm sorry. You can go now.

Calum: no! I'm staying over! :/

You: Calum, you don't have to. :/ *sighs*

Calum: but I'm gonna!

You: fine... :/ *goes into your room*

Calum: I got you. *tries to calm you down while he gently strokes your hair and you slowly falls asleep while he's holding on to your hand*

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