Chapter 4

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Michael's POV:

Michael: I'm calling Ashton.

You: no don't! He's probably asleep. It's midnight.

Luke: just ask Ashton. He wouldn't mind. And besides... He's the only one who owns a car.

You: fine. :/ feeling bad that Luke saw what happened and how your father abused you.

Michael: can you move?

You: I'll be honest... No.

Luke: shit. *panics*

Calum: Luke, calm down.

Michael: hold on. *calls Ashton*

Ashton's POV:

*phone rings*

Ashton: hello?

Michael: buddy, are you still awake yet?

Ashton: yes. Why?

Michael: one of Luke's friend is in trouble and we need your help.

Ashton: oh my god! Who?! *is worried*

Michael: Luke's girlfriend!

You: I'm not his girlfriend! *laughs*

Luke: dude! Give me that! *grabs the phone from Michael*

Ashton: you have a girlfriend?! *gets excited*

Luke: no I don't. Michael was just playing.

Ashton: so what's wrong?

Luke: could you come over to my place?

Ashton: now?

Luke: yes. It's Y/N. And we need your help.

Ashton: on it! I'll be there in 15 minutes! *hangs up*

Calum: are you like dating her?

Luke: no. She's just my best friend.

Michael: okay. *smirks*

Luke: you see. This is why you're the only one who haven't met her yet.

Michael: shut up! *sticks his tongue out at Luke*

Calum: what are you?! Like 5?!... -.-

You: stop being mean to Michael.

Calum: it's fine. Luke don't like Michael and Michael don't like him either.

Michael: I only tagged along because Calum is my best friend. And we have a project due tomorrow.

You: oh my god! I am so sorry. *sighs*

Calum: Y/N, it's okay. We've already finished.

You: really? :/

Luke: yeah.

You: since we all got school tomorrow so let's all just forget about going back to my house. *sighs*

Luke: but Y/N! :/

You: I should probably go now.

Calum: to where?! :/

You: home?

Michael: are you crazy?! You're gonna get killed out there!

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