Chapter 38

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Luke's POV:

Luke: then why did you call the hospital to change your appointment time?

Calum: yeah, Y/N... What appointment is that?

Luke: yeah baby...

You: you'll all find out tomorrow. I promise.

Michael: okay? *is confused*

You: just focus on your exam.

Luke: how can we when you have a appointment at the hospital tomorrow? :(

You: it's something good actually. Trust me.

Luke: how is visiting the hospital a good thing?!

Ashton: trust her.

Luke: she's probably lying... she just doesn't want us to worry :(

Ashton: trust her!

Luke: just tell us!!

You: no! You got to stay focus for tomorrow's finals!

Luke: I can't focus now!!

You: Luke, I'm alright. Trust me.

Luke: are you sure? :/

You: yeah... It's just a normal checkup. That's all.

Luke: oh...

Michael: just please tell us so we won't be so worried!

You: well I changed my appointment at 5pm tomorrow so you guys could be there... Especially Luke *smiles*

Luke: what is going on?!

Ashton: fine... Calum, come here.

Calum: okay??? *goes over to Ashton*

Luke: hey!!! I'm the boyfriend! :(

Calum: haha! *laughs*

You: don't do it man! They got exam tomorrow!

Luke: wait, Ashton knows about it?!! *gets mad*

Calum: what is it?

You: don't.

Luke: tell us!!

You: fine. *takes a deep breath*

Luke: go on.

You: Luke, you're becoming a dad!

Michael: OMG!!!! :D

Luke: stop joking. -.-

Ashton: she's gonna do a sonogram scan and have a ultra-sound scan.

Luke: OH MY GOD!!! *gets excited*

Calum: FOR HOW LONG?!! *gets excited*

You: I'm 5 weeks pregnant so...

Luke: YES!!!! :D

Michael: CONGRATS!!! :D

You: now you guys can focus on your exam for tomorrow?!! *laughs*

Luke: baby! :D

You: I was thinking of breaking the news to you guys later at the hospital but I guess now you know.

Ashton: yeah... And apparently all her clothes won't fit her now so I'm loaning some of my clothes to her. *laughs*

Luke: oh! I'll bring some of mine over! :D

You: Luke! *laughs*

Luke: yeah?

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