Common Occurrences

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It's been...about a week I believe. Time seems to be going by quite fast since Derek left. My days are measured in short errands. Regular, boring and just plain mediocre days.

We talk everyday. I mean literally every hour of the day. Except when he's sleeping or vice versa. By the way, timezones are torture. It's a six hour time difference between Maine and Hawaii and believe me it makes a impression.

Sometimes he'll call but for some reason he sticks to texting. I get how it's more convenient, but personally I enjoy phone calls.  I don't complain though. I'm glad he texts me so often.

Things have been going pretty great and school starts soon...summer beginning to fade as school starts, bringing the beauty of Fall. Yes, I adore Fall being because I was born in November. Yaaay scorpios ! The emotional ones we are. Like really ! I'm such a softie that I still cry when Mufassa dies in Lion King ! That could just be me though...

Anyway haha...he's at football practice right now so I'm just baking. I have a terrible sweet tooth. I eat more sugary stuff and I do actual meals. The weird part is that I despise soda. Huh, I know right ?

*Buzz buzz*

I sing along to my Exo ringtone (don't you judge me kpop is life) and look at my phone to see a text from him.

Hey baby !

I smile and reply. Heeey.

He replies almost instantly.

What you doing ?! I missed you !!! :D

Awww he missed me ! I'm baking then going to sleep because I'm really tired. I pull the pan of lemon squares out of the oven and throw it straight into the fridge to cool.

Yum ! I want some !!! And no, don't sleep ! Don't leave me all alone !

I sigh. I'm too tired. I must sleeeeep.  But babe I'm really tired...just for an hour, then you can spam my phone to get me up (: pwease ?!

Fine whatever text me when you get up.

Um...sometimes touchy. Wait ! What's your problem ? :( Just play games while I sleep :(:(:(

Just go...I don't wanna disrupt your beauty sleep ! -_-

I pause and practically throw my phone at my pillow. What the fudge was wrong with him ?! I don't get mad when he tells me he's going to bed ! Ugh fucking jerk.  Oh...damn guess I just broke my "swearing suspension" oh well, screw it.

Guessing by his anger, maybe he had a bad day. But he doesn't need to snap at me. Stupid boy. I get into bed and sleep. This kind of bickering is just some small, fractional, meaningless common occurrence...right ?

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