Low Points

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It wasn't long before I responded flirtatiously. I'm terrible when it comes to ignoring people, which is exactly what I should've done...ignored him. I'm the bad guy here. I wouldn't pretend to be a victim to his certain charm because honestly, he was a victim to mine. I know it sounds cruel but I liked playing with his feelings. I had him exactly where I wanted him, for no reason, just because I liked playing the game.

Soon enough we were calling eachother pet names and talking about possibilities for our "future."

"Hey baby ! I know you're there ! I'm gonna come over there if you don't start replying faster !" Ha. I'm trembling with fear.

"Psssh whatever love. And you can come over whenever you like...I'll make it worth your while (;" I'm a fucking idiot. Oh and to make it better I'm still messaging Kayla and texting Derek. I wasn't even thinking about how this would affect any of us. I was just flirting for the sake of flirting.

"Oooh (; Don't say things like that to me babe...its dangerous (;" Suuure. Dangerous. I'm reeeal worried.

"Maybe I like dangerous ? (;" I'm kinda getting tired of this. Should I break it off ? I don't feel like talking to him anymore...

"Mmm...if only I was there baby..." HAHAHAHAHA guys are waaay too easy. Well...I take that statement back. Guys are only easy to manipulate when you don't care about them. If you like the guy then...that is a typhoon of feelings in itself.

Oh. He wrote something else..."Btw, I told Kayla that were over because I'm in love with you. You're just so amazing I can't imagine being with anyone else !" And we have a google amount of happy faces again...and a trillion hearts...and a few kissy faces. This bastard.

Oh bloody hell shit fuck ! This bitch omg omg omg omg omg. Fuck, no wonder Kayla didn't reply for like...10 minutes !!! OH. MY. LORD. Our friendship is over. I just stole her FIRST mother ducking boyfriend. I'm going to hell. Damn it.

"You did what ?!" We were talking for under a day and he loves me ?! No I think he's just feeling excited...not in love.

Nevertheless, I have to fix this.

"I told Derek too, because I didn't want him to pull the guilt card on you." Happy face, happy face, happy face. I gotta solve this crap quick.

I didn't reply back. I got at least 10 messages but didn't even open them. I was irritated and trying to salvage what's left of my relationship and friendship.

Of course, being the amazing friend that she is, Kayla said everything thing was okay. She told me that she didn't belong with him and since we actually were more alike that we should give it a shot. Yeah, that just made me feel even more guilty. I took her first crush, and I didn't even want him. Da fuq is wrong with my brain ?!?!?!

Derek on the other hand, was anything but understanding. He has every right to be angry but damn, this kid can sure argue.


For the life of me I don't know why I decided to continue this fight with him. I have issues with holding in my anger when he's involved.

"I'm aware of that. And maybe I wouldn't be flirting if you'd actually pretended like you want to talk to me !"

Oops...too late now I might as well finish this speech.

"You don't even show interest in me anymore ! I get it, me being a zillion miles away from you is a MAJOR problem but seriously ? I come up with all our conversations, you reply with short answers and it gets boring ! At least Andre contributed to the our conversations !!!"

Oh, but I'm not done yet. Still got some words to weave.

"Oh and honey, whenever we do talk...all you talk about is sex ! Babe this, babe that...you really think I wanna talk about sex ? All the fucking time ?! No ! Yeah you're a guy but god ! Try to think about things besides my boobs or ass ?! You never trusted me. And you never tell me how you're feeling ! I have to read your fucking mind all the time !"

Okay...I think I'm good for now. Didn't seem like he had much to say.

"I'm sorry...I'm a fucking guy and I have urges okay ? And its hard to have a convo with you...I'm just stupid, we can't talk because you have a different mentality...I'm sorry !"

Seconds later...

"Just please don't leave me babe. You mean everything to me, you changed my life, gave it meaning you know ? You helped me stay sober ! Before you came into my life I felt dead. You're whole personality, you're weirdness...I love it all. If you leave me...I don't know what I'll do. I won't have a reason to be alive anymore...just please babe don't end it."

Aaaand now I'm crying. I was too stressed to reply now.  He's such a sweet guy.

Oh. I spoke too soon. He's had another mood swing. Probably that time of the month again...his PMS-ing is worse than mine. He's pissed again.

"You know what ? Whatever. I take it back. You wanna leave me that's fine, I'm the fucking guy in this relationship ! I shouldn't have to apologize to you all the time ! You know how hard it is to be your boyfriend ? Especially so far away from you ? I worry everyday about losing you and it scares the shit out of me ! And what do ya know...I'm starting to open up to you..."

He's right though. I wouldn't want to be my boyfriend either...maybe that's why everything always ends in heartbreak for me ? I think I'm better off just being single forever...save current and future boyfriends the trouble and just stop dating for infinity.

"Maybe we should just break up then. I'm tired of being such a burden. I'm sorry for everything...I'm so very sorry."

Dun Dun Dun ! Sorry its been forever since I've updated :( Life is quite confusing right now ha. Ha. Ha. Haaa....well hope you liked it ! (:

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