Chapter 1

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Picture of Julie's s mom

"Julie!!" my mom shouted. Waking me up from a good sleep to go to the hell hole they call school. Lets face it no teenager likes school,especially having to wake up so early in the morning. Its pure torture. I didn't introduce myself now did I ? My name is Juliet Shade but my friends call me Juliet, by friends I mean my mom Theresa Shade and my bestfriend Rosaley Smith. I'm not a loner, I just suck at making friends and people tend to not like me because of my carefree attitude.

"Julie!!!, you get up this instant young lady or I'll be forced to grab the bucket.

Learning from past incidents I quickly bolted out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom nearly tripping along the way. I then did my normal routine: shower and brush my teeth. After cleaning myself I brushed out my unruly brunette hair, throw it in a ponytail then picked out my outfit a white joggers,a white jersey dress with the number 23 on the front and my red air max. I then quickly went down stairs to see my mom making pancakes in the kitchen.
"I made pancakes honey."My mom said pushing a plate with chocolate chip pancakes toward me. "Thanks mom."I said. I quickly gobbled up my pancakes,kissed my mom then went outside to the garage where maxy my ford was waiting. It was my given to me by my father for my eighteenth birthday last month before he died in a car accident.

I pulled up in the school's parking lot, maneuvered my car in the only space I could find , then hopped out.

My school, Quaker Valley High School was one of the top ranking school in Leetsdale Pennsylvania. All my life I've grown up in Pennsylvania. I dont think i want to leave it's quite a home if you ask me

I quickly grabbed my backpack and my phone then went in the school. Only to be met with Lydia the school slut making out with her toy for the day on my locker. I was furious, I quickly marched up to them then banged my hands on the locker beside me gaining the attention from the nosy students of Quaker Valley High.

"Watch it tweedle dee and tweedle dum.I said

"Shut the fuck up bitch."Lydia replied

"I would if you'd get the fuck off my damn locker you cheap slut."I replied. Earning ohhs and ahhs from the student body.
"How dare you."Lydia said.
"How dare I what,speak the truth. Get the hell off my locker now." I said in a bored tone.
For the first in history the school bell actually helped me,it made Lydia push the poor boy off her and scream"Its time to retouch my make up."
"Yes!go!" I said in a fake enthusiastic voice.
"Whatever" Lydia replied,flipping her fake blonde hair and strutting away in her seven inch heels with her minions Lisa and Renee trailing behind her.

I quickly grabbed my books for the first class I had which was math. After slamming my locker and shoving my books in my bag I grabbed my phone,typed in the passcode and saw that I had four missed calls from Rose. While I was typing away, I only felt when my books came crashing down,with a giant person on me.
"What the fuck."I grumbled, muttering profanities.
"Cant people watch where there going these days."I said. I looked up only to find a gorgeous pair of blue eyes, and windswept brown hair
which only belonged to the schools play boy Carter Monroe.

______________________________Short guys I know,but it will get longer soon. Please remember to VOTE,COMMENT,AND FOLLOW and any ideas text them to me and I wont be putting any description of lala just look at the pictures, I really dont care what she looks like every girl is pretty in there own way. I need help with a book cover guys any ideas email me at
Thanks guys.


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