Chapter 3: Every Detail

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Ari's POV

I woke up to the loud, eardrum bursting sound of my cell phone ringing.

My eyes shot open and I sprung up out of the seat, effectively hitting my head on the car ceiling.

"Shit," I whisper cursed, rubbing my head and searching everywhere possible in the car for the device.

Where the hell was it? It couldn't have gone far.

I examined Colin and discovered that he was on the floor, tangled up like a pretzel, with his butt high in the air.

Oh yeah, and he was on top of my phone.

Of course.

Don't ask how he got there, because I had no idea.

I bit my lip to keep from laughing, he looked so stupid!

I slapped his head, trying to wake him up, but he wouldn't budge.

I groaned, "Wake up, you idiot!" I yelled frustratedly.

My phone stopped ringing. Shit. I missed them.

I sighed, relaxing back in my seat, almost falling back asleep before I heard someone banging on the car door.

My eyes went wild and I turned my head to see a scary looking homeless man hitting the window, yelling something I couldn't comprehend.

Could this situation be any worse?

I screamed at the top of my lungs, "Colin! Colin, wake up! Wake up, you dick head!" I jumped on his back, hitting him repeatedly but he still didn't move.

What the fuck?

How has he not woken up?

Is he dead?

"Colin!" I screamed, at the top of my lungs, right in his ear.

Finally, his eyes opened, "What the fuck?" he yelled, covering his ears, "Holy shit, you're actually insane!"

He pushed me off him roughly before stretching, taking a really, really long time to get his shit together.

I looked over and the man was still there, looking at me like I was a piece of meat.

No. No, no, no, no.

"Colin, if you don't start the car and drive away right this instant, I will bite your face off," I said seriously, motioning towards the perverted homeless man.

Colin's eyes widened and we both jumped for the front of the car at the same time, bumping roughly into each other.

I glared at him, "You have no idea how much you're pissing me off."

I crawled to the passenger seat, putting on my seatbelt.

"I'm pissing you off?! You just fucking jumped on me and screamed bloody murder in my ear when I was sleeping!" he yelled, furiously repeating my actions.

Copy cat.

He started the car, quickly driving away from that god forsaken place.

"Only because there was a perverted homeless man looking at me through the window like he wanted to rape and kill me, and you weren't fucking waking up!" I yelled back.

"Seriously, how did you not wake up? My phone ringing was enough to break your ears, if that's even possible. And me screaming at the top of my lungs didn't startle you just the tiniest big? I mean, dude, there's something seriously wrong with you!" I threw my hands in the air furiously as I spoke.

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