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My eyes open to find myself laying in "my" room with a cold cloth resting on my forehead. I take it off and sit up, only to be hit with an agonizing headache. "Shit," I mumble under my breath. The morning light pours through my open window, making me wish I had my typewriter with me so I can write about it. Early mornings have always been my favorite time of day.

I head over to my closet and pull out a creme oversized sweater and a pair of pajama shorts. Joker is crazy if he thinks I'm leaving the house today. And to be quite honest, I'm not very happy with him. I didn't think I'd wake up this morning. He's always playing these mind games and making me feel like I'm on top of the world, but then does something- like pushing me off the roof of a building- to mess with my head. What was he honestly feeling towards me? Not only that, but what are his intentions? Am I just setting myself up for death?

I overthink way too much. He's the Joker, of course his intentions are fowl. I tie my hair up into a high ponytail and grab my water off the nightstand before walking out of my room and jogging downstairs. For the first time ever there isn't a crowd of bulky men standing around in the living room. But more importantly, there isn't Joker. I walk into the kitchen and open up the fridge, taking the container of strawberries out and setting them on the kitchen table. I kick the fridge closed with my foot and sit down. I wish I was free to do whatever I please. I mean, I haven't asked to go anywhere, but my first day here Joker said I wasn't allowed to leave. I eat a few strawberries before putting the container back in the fridge and walking around the house. I never got to get a good look at everything, since I was always being dragged around everywhere. Most of the doors on the bottom floor are locked, not to my surprise. Joker always seemed like a rather secretive person. "Where are your pants?" I hear from behind me. I quickly turn around to see Joker standing there, staring at my legs. I lift my sweater up a little to reveal my shorts. He grins and nods, seeming amused. I keep my head down and try to walk past him, but he puts his arm out to stop me. I keep my eyes glued to the floor. "What's up with you, Dollface?" When I don't respond, he sighs and pushes me up against the wall, pinning my wrists down with his hands. "Don't make me ask again, sweetie." His voice grows huskier as he continues talking. I finally muster up the courage to look into his eyes, which are now a darker shade of green than they were last time I looked into them. I bite my tongue to keep my bottom lip from trembling. The last thing I want to do right now is cry in front of him. I guess he saw the sadness in my eyes or something because his facial expression softens and he loosens his grip. I sniffle and push past him, running back upstairs into my room. I bury my face into my pillow, allowing myself to finally cry. It's not often that I cry, so when I do, it's not a few tears. When I cry, I cry.

10 minutes go by before I hear a faint knock at the door. I lift my head up and wipe the tears from my eyes. "Come in," I weakly say. The door opens and Joker walks in with a large bag. I sniffle, sitting up and crossing my legs while wiping the excess tears off my cheeks with my sweater sleeve. "What do you want?"

"Aw, baby," Joker teases as he sets the bag down on the bed. "Don't pout." I narrow my eyes up at him, crossing my arms.

"I'm not pouting." He lets out a small laugh, motioning towards the bag.

"Go ahead, Doll. Look inside." I shake my head.

"I don't want your gifts. You pushed me off a building rooftop last night. You're lucky I didn't report you!" Joker puts his arms out, looking around the room.

"Who are you gonna report me to? It's just you and me, baby. Now look inside the bag!" I narrow my eyes up at him again, making him sigh and run a hand through his vibrant green hair. "I don't mean to raise my voice. Just look in the bag, Elle." I nod in approval and scoot up closer to the bag, positioning myself so I'm on my knees as I peek inside. I gasp and cover my mouth to resist the urge to squeal, but it ends up slipping out anyway. I quickly pull the objects out, laying them on the bed. My vinyls, record player, and typewriter!

"Oh my goodness!" I shout, nearly knocking Joker over in a huge hug. I have the goofiest smile on my face as my arms wrap around his neck. He's very stiff; most likely because it's been a very long time since anyone has shown him genuine affection. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He slowly pries me off of him and smiles.

"I felt bad for what I did, so this is my form of an apology. And, of course, I want you to feel at home as much as possible." I grab my typewriter and run across the room with it, setting it down on my pretty white desk Joker provided. I set the record player down on the floor against the wall with the vinyls propped up next to it.

"Wait a second," I pause. "You broke into my house?"

"Shhh," Joker coos, bringing me into a hug. As much as I'd like to question the hell out of him, he was hugging me. And to be honest, I was nearly melting in his embrace. Call me crazy, but I might just be falling for the Joker. "Now," he says, twirling his fingers around my ponytail. "What would you like to do today?" I tilt my head to the side in confusion.

"You don't have some big events planned? No guest appearances?" He chuckles, making the inside of my chest feel really warm.

"No, darling. You and I are gonna lay low for a few days, if you'd like." I feel my entire face brighten at his words.

"I'd like that a lot." He grins and slightly nods, leaning down and gently pressing his lips to my neck, leading to a little gasp escaping my mouth. "Wh-What are you.." I trail off, too consumed in the feeling to even finish my sentence. That makes Joker quietly laugh against my skin, continuing to leave little kisses all over my neck as his tattooed arms snake around my waist. I close my eyes as soon as I feel goosebumps rise on my skin, making me shiver a bit. He begins to lightly suck on the side of my neck, his loose hold on my waist tightening a little. Just as I'm about to let another small noise escape past my lips, he kisses his way up to my jawline and steps back, grinning like a madman.

"Come along, Doll. How do you feel about pizza?" Before I can say anything, he turns around and walks out of my room, leaving me standing there with my jaw nearly touching the ground.

What just happened?

(A/N: Hello, Dolls! I hope you're all having a lovely day/night. I think I'm going to commit to posting every other day, rather than every day. This story is starting to gain more readers too! Thank you to everyone reading, you are all amazing xx)

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