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"Oh my god you're so pretty!"

"You don't know how long Derek has been waiting for you"

"You two will make the perfect couple"

"Oh how much I'm looking forward to seeing my grandchildren"

"Derek had been sulking for god knows how long that he hasn't found his mate. Thank god he found you it was hard being around him"

These were the statements I received just five minutes into meeting Derek's mother and sister. It was a good thing I learnt to block out my thoughts because they would have heard me screaming internally. I might have a smile plastered on my face but believe me there's screaming going on inside. The first thing Derek's mom Susan did was throw my beautiful sandwich in the bin saying she's going to prepare me a real meal and started taking over the kitchen. Marie brought over her three kids which was fine as Selena seemed to be having fun playing with them what wasn't fine her stories of pregnancy and childbirth that were so descriptive I was actually painfully reliving it with her.

"I mean when the second head came out I was screaming so loud I busted one of my eardrums thankfully it grew back but then..." Marie was telling me about the twins birth I prayed that my eardrums could somehow burst simultaneously.

The door bell rang and I sprang up to see who it was any escape even for a few minutes was good enough for me. Opening the door I saw it was Mason and Dakota.

"Ah Mason you're here" I heard the authoritive voice of Xavier behind me apparently he also came to the door to see who it was. Man did you not see me running to the door like my life depended on it.

"Xavier so nice to see you" Mason said awkwardly looking back and forth between me and Xavier.

Help me I mindlinked Mason and Dakota

"Oh boy" Mason muttered under his breath

"What did you say?" Xavier asked Mason with a raised eyebrow

"Nothing sir. Nothing at all" replied a flustered Mason

"You'll never forget old habits will you Adams" Xavier shook his head disappointingly something told me he didn't like Mason "Well come on in then are you going to wait outside forever."

Mason and Dakota didn't wait a second longer to obey Xavier's order. I thanked god that now I had them with me I don't think I could stand another pregnancy story from Marie.

Mason and Dakota were greeted by a very ecstatic Susan.

"We're practically family now!" She squeals in excitement. I sit at the kitchen table wishing this day to be over as soon as possible.

"Oh Perrie honey you must be hungry. I totally forgot I'll fix you up a little snack so you still have your appetite for dinner" Susan says.

"No its OK. I'll manage till dinner" I tell her I guess I lost my appetite somewhere in the middle of Marie's storytelling.

"Nonsense. Here have some of my cheese balls I made a whole bunch for appetizers you can have a few now" Susan said handing me a plate with six cheese balls I take them so as not to hurt her feelings.

"Thank you they seem delicious" I say picking up a cheese ball to eat it.

"Perrie dear I know it's a little too early but I was thinking we could discuss the names of your firstborn. Xavier would love it if you named one after him." Susan says just as I put the cheese ball in my mouth making me almost choke on it. Is this woman for real she wants me to pick names. NOW!.

Dakota hands me a glass of water with a wary look.

Only Derek knows how to handle them you should mindlink him. Dakota suggests.

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