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Double post today. Hope you like it don't forget to vote, comment and follow.


Derek decided to take me to a fair in Brookwood the town I was born in. Mom had left town only four weeks after I was born this would be my first time ever visiting it.

"So where do you want to go first the rides or the games?" Derek asked after we entered the fair.

"Let's skip the rides altogether I'm not a real fan" I suggested

"Why scared of heights?" Derek asked

"No just don't like them in general. I just don't get the big deal what could I gain in sitting in a machine that throws me around for a few minutes" I said walking next to him

"I guess it's the adrenaline rush" Derek said

"Still seems silly" I said shaking my head.

"Come on at least try the ferris wheel what's the use of coming to a fair of you don't ride the ferris wheel" he tried to persuade me.

"Let's try out some games first" I said pulling him towards the stalls "finally put these supernatural abilities into some use"

After winning almost every game in the fair and winning about ten stuffed toys Derek suggested we stop not wanting to gain any unwanted attention.

"I'm going to quickly put these in the car you don't move from here" he said I nodded to tell him I understood.

"Want to know about your future dear" I heard someone say behind me turning around I saw it was a fortune teller. I had been standing in front of her tent without realizing.

"No I'm just waiting for someone" I said turning her down with a smile.

"Oh but your wait is over honey the one you seek has already found you" she said moving closer to me. Her eyes gleamed red I gasped. She's a werewolf.

"Why are you fighting a fight you can't win Perrie dear. Surrender and take a leap of faith. Happiness awaits" she said

"How did you know my.." I ask but was interrupted when Derek called out my name so I looked away for a second. Literally a second when I turned my head back in her direction she was gone and a human fortune teller was sitting inside the tent.

"What's wrong you seem like you saw a ghost" Derek said coming up to me.

"Umm no its nothing" I said shaking my head.

"You want to ride the ferris wheel now" suggested Derek

"Yah sure" I said still looking around. Where the hell did that woman come from?.

We sat on the ferris wheel and I couldn't help but think over what the woman had told me

Why are you fighting a fight you can't win

"Perrie! Earth to Perrie" said Derek trying to get my attention.

"Huh?" I said looking his way "What?"

"You became quiet all of a sudden what's going on in that head of yours?" He asked

"You don't want to know" I told him

"Try me" he replied

"You asked me why I hold back" I said Derek leaned in giving me his full attention "well I gave my everything to someone once and I got only hurt in return. I guess I'm just scared of history repeating itself" I admitted

"What happened? Tell me?" He said coming near causing the gondola to stoop to one side but he didn't seem to care. 

With a sigh I told him everything how Nick played me, ruined my reputation and the things he told me. Once I was done Derek had his fists clenched and looking down angrily. I placed a hand over his fist trying to calm him down.

"Where does this guy live?" He growled "I'm going to beat him to a pulp"

"You'll do no such thing" I said cupping his face "I guess I'm OK with it now. I used to think people who rely on others are weak but being in your pack has showed that if your around the right people it makes you stronger. I don't want to fight my past demons anymore Derek I want to move on"

"I want a new life with someone who actually cares about me" I said the tears forming in my eyes

"Stop I'm having none of that" Derek said wiping away my tears "from now on no more frowns, no more crying just happy moments for you."

"Promise" I said with a weak smile

"Promise" he said moving in to meet my lips.

"Rides over Romeo and Juliet" said the guy running the ferris wheel.

Getting off the ferris wheel I pulled Derek towards the hot dog stand. I hadn't had a good hot dog since my days in New York although these weren't as good they didn't disappoint either.

"It's starting to rain we should be heading home" Derek said looking up to the sky. Derek grabbed my hand and ran towards the car which was totally unnecessary since it was only a light drizzle. I was totally out of breath by the time I was sitting in the passenger seat.

"We should give some of these stuffed toys to Selena" I said looking at the back of the car which was jam-packed. "Although I don't think it's a good idea to give all of them to her"

"I could put the rest in the pack house kids come over and play there all the time" suggested Derek

"I'm keeping one though as a memento" I laughed sitting back straight in my seat.

"Fine as you wish" he said smiling my way. The rain started to pour harder so Derek started the windshield wipers.

"When we first met you said you and the rain don't get along" remembered Derek

"Yeah it was raining at my mom's funeral" I explained

"Oh I'm sorry" said Derek

"Don't be I guess I just unnecessarily blamed the rain for every misfortune I had. Now I don't feel the same" after all I had met him in the rain and that turned out alright. Derek turned into the driveway and stopped the car as we reached home. I jumped out of the car and ran towards the front door but still managed to get drenched in the short distance. I leaned against the door as Derek fumbled to get the right key to open the door without thinking I grabbed his collar and crashed my lips against his Derek reacted immediately wrapping his arms around my body and pushing me against the door. I don't know how he opened the door but next thing I knew we were stumbling inside without breaking our kiss. Derek slammed the door shut with his foot and threw the key somewhere before returning his hands to my body. Derek let go of my lips and started trailing little kisses across my jawline down to my neck. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my neck I shrieked trying to push Derek off me but he held my hands tight and soon I became limb the pain becoming too unbearable for me to do anything. Derek let go of me and I fell to the ground holding my neck.

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