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Almost 4 years later.

Isla blows her whistle causing all the wolves nearby to wince in pain.

"Alright people in formation. NOW!" Isla orders everyone.

Today I'm marrying Derek in the town chapel Marie's wedding was held a few years ago. Isla is my maid of honor as Dakota being heavily pregnant couldn't take the job. Isla was great but she could be demanding at times.

"It's Selena with the flowers, then TJ with the rings, then Charlotte, Chloé and finally me" she ordered "don't mess this up people.

"Aunt Perrie, Grandpa I'm going in" gleamed Selena she was now five years old. Dad was standing next to me his arm looped with mine.

"Great Neena go ahead and make me proud" I said placing a peck on her cheeks she stuck her tongue out to TJ before going in. Mason ran outside coming to my side.

"What are you doing here?" Isla asked furiously "You're the best man you need be next to Derek"

"Just checking if everything is ok" he said before turning his focus to me "You look great sis"

"Thanks Mason" I said with a huge smile

"Knock him dead" he said placing a peck on my cheek "Stupid allergies" he coughed wiping away a stray tear.

"Yeah allergies" I said looking up to stop the tears from flowing.

"Anyone have a tissue?" my dad asked

"Get inside" Isla told Mason through gritted teeth "Get it together Mr. Adams full face of makeup there don't want to ruin it"

Mason complied running back inside to be next to Derek. I felt a knot forming in my stomach again.

"Do you think everything will go down smoothly?" I asked my dad with a worried expression.

"Of course honey don't you fret" he said giving my hand a slight squeeze.

"The last time I had a ceremony a full on war broke out" I reminded him

"All of that is in the past. Don't you worry I sense nothing but good things ahead for you" he said.

"Like werewolf senses?" I asked.

"No dad senses" he said with a smile.

"Mr. Adams I'm going in you guys are next" Isla informed us.

"Ready?" My dad asked before taking me inside.

"Ready" I nodded. I entered with all eyes on me but my eyes were on the only person that mattered giving him a smile I walked towards the love of my life. Dad kissed me on the forehead before handing me over to Derek. Derek took both my hands taking me up the steps to stand in front of the minister.

"We are all gathered here to witness the union of Derek Harriott Jackson and Perrie Sophia Adams. Derek and Perrie will now read their vows which they have prepared before hand. Derek" the minister motioned Derek to start.

"3 years, 9 months, 14 days, 2 hours and 36 seconds ago you walked into my life. I would be lying if I don't remember my life before that but in truth I don't want to because before you my life had no meaning. After searching for you for so long, I would have never guessed I'd find you in my own backyard but I'm glad because Perrie you are so much better than I ever imagined in every way possible. I love you and I don't care how cheesy it may seem but I'll love you till my last breath and even after that" after Derek finished his vow I needed to take a deep breath in order to fight the tears and say mine.

"I used to think relying on others was weak and gave people a chance to hurt you but you proved me wrong. Showing me how choosing the right people to rely on made you strong and taking a leap of faith with the one you loved only brought happiness. I sometime want to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming and if this is a dream I don't ever want to wake up. I want to spend the rest of my life by your side. I want to give your parents those grandkids they've been wanting for so long.."

"Thank the moon!" Shouted Susan interrupting me. I laughed before continuing.

"I want to be with you in good times and bad. I want to grow old with you and I want to take my final breath with you. Derek you brought me out of the darkness and into the light by making me yours and for that I'm ever so grateful. Your my savior, my knight on shining armor and my vampire in werewoles clothing. I love you with every fiber of my being. Lastly any bimbo trying to make a move on my man will have their throats handed to them this Alpha is mine. " I said wiping away the tears Derek laughed and leaned in to kiss me.

"Wait wait it isn't time for that yet have some patience" said the minister pulling us a part.

"If anyone objects to this union please speak now or forever hold your silence" the minister paused for a second before continuing "I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride"

Derek grabbed me into his arms and placed a kiss on my lips as the chapel cheered us on. Right then I didn't care who was around us as I kissed him back with equal need placing my hands on the sides of his face.

"Break it up you two we have kids here" Dylan shouted causing us to break our kiss.

The crowd threw rice at us as we made a dash for limo outside taking us to the airport for our much needed honeymoon. Maybe this time we'd return three as Susan hoped.


It's over. :(. Well I'm happy with the outcome hope you guys liked it too. Going to take a break from writing for a while and focus on reading. Bye guys thanks for all the support.

Mona Pedro.

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