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"Here" says Derek handing me a cup of hot chocolate. I'm sitting on the couch in the living room with a blanket over me. I place the cup on the coffee table.

"Stay with me for a while" I say patting the empty space next to me. He nods and places his arm behind me I proceed to snuggle into him placing my head on his shoulder and my leg over his thigh.

Derek doesn't ask me anything or tries to start a conversation and I'm grateful for that. I try to calm myself my inhaling his soothing scent. I must look like a mess with my eyes all puffed up and red after what happened today.

Once Greg ,sorry Dad, helped me get up I saw that not only were Mason and Violet in tears but the entire neighborhood. Dad didn't let go of me till I was inside and safely sitting on the couch. I didn't talk for sometime not knowing where to begin but Dad agreed we should take it one step at a time and that I still needed time to get used to things. He did insist on me calling him Dad and didn't want hear the name Adams from my mouth ever again.

Derek came soon after word got to him fast and he immediately ran over to check up on me. It took a lot of assurance from me to get him to believe I was alright even though I was still crying like a baby. Deciding I had enough excitement for one day Derek brought me back home.

As I lay beside Derek, I didn't realize how or when I fell asleep but next thing I know the light coming from the living room window was bugging me. Opening my eyes I saw it was sunrise. Derek was sound asleep still with me on the couch.

"Derek" I said nudging him slightly.

"Huh!" He woke up suddenly sitting up rubbing his eyes "what time is it?"

"Still early. Come on let's go upstairs" I said taking his arm and leading him to the bedroom.

We awoke a few hours later to the sound of someone knocking the front door.

"Go away" I muttered into Derek's chest. Yes I was even snuggling him upstairs shot me.

"For the love of" Derek said opening his eyes "babe I have to see who it is?"

"Five more minutes" I said. but the knocking persisted so with a groan I got up.

"HOLD YOUR HORSES" Derek shouted going downstairs "What the... oh hey dad!" I heard him say before going into the bathroom I laughed imagining the angry face on Xavier.

Once I had taken a shower and changed I went downstairs to see everyone and I mean everyone in the kitchen. Xavier, Susan, Marie, Dad, Violet, Mason, Dakota, Eric, John and to name a few.

"Hey guys" I said weakly waving to everyone.

"Perrie dear over here I made you and Derek some breakfast." Susan said pulling a chair for me at the table "Marie call your brother"

"Susan thank you. You really didn't have to do that" I said

"Eat up Perrie we've got a big day ahead of us" Dad said patting me on the back.

"Big day?" I asked.

"Josh and Nate off the TV. NOW!" I heard Derek yell "Go to the garden and play nice"

He came in a huff into the kitchen not happy at the sudden turn of events. I gave him a sympathetic smile while passing him his plate.

"You were saying big day?" I asked again.

"Yeah we're having a barbecue. Nothing big just us, your family and the Mathews like thirty people tops" Xavier said casually "It could've been a bigger party but someone wanted to keep it small" he said with a side ways glance towards Derek.

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