Meetings Angels

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School was unusual. I was ready for battle and hard working movement not sitting in chairs and reading. I knew 12 different languages so I just reread it several times in different languages. I wanted to have the exact same schedule as Alyssa I smiled without realizing it I liked her name how it rolled of my tongue and when about it Alyssa was unique and different from the names in heaven it was Zacharel, Lysander and for the girls Olivia, Sarah Abigail. After class I spotted her and walked toward her.

As he walked toward me I blushed remembering how he answered he probably thought I should be in a crazy house and the fact I was daydreaming about him the time through history. He made it way too quickly for my liking. Raphael stared at me for the longest time I had to use every amount of self control to not look down and see if I had a stain I also had to fight the urge to fidget. He finally said "Hey Alyssa it is nice to see you again" lips twitching as if fighting a smile "H..H..Hey" stuttering looking down at my feet. I felt heat rushing up and up onto my face I probably looked like a tomato with my red hair matching my face. The bell rang and I rushed to Chemistry with Raphael following me with his long strides saying "Wow we have the same class." I got there early and sat down of course of fucking course he just had to seat next to me. No way I could daydream he seemed so unusual and kind of formal. This was going to be a looonnnnggg day.

By lunchtime Alyssa was fidgety being jumpy already she had pale green cast over her. She kept looking at me I winked hoping it would help her calm down but no she blushed and looked cute. Wait what am I thinking i had job to do and I would do my job till my dying breath. "Hey Raphael!" I heard someone call I turned it was Alyssa her hair out behind her. She was exquisite. Oh no I'm done for. I was falling for a demon and angel girl and I didn't feel ashamed.

As I caught up with Raphael I was panting hunched over I wheezing and panting. Ugh I must look stupid and there he is look sexy as hell. "Yes Alyssa" he asked with his low husky voice that promised naughty things, "Well I was wondering if you would like to come over and stretch your wings." I blubbered probably looking stupid. Ugh reminder to self bang head on wall when I get home! "Sure" he said looking surprised. Hmm I feel a mystery and I like mysteries. Who am I kidding I love them.

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