1. the beginning

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This is not one of those stories in which the boy saves the girl and they live happily ever after in their small town. But rather one where the knights are just as broken as their damsels.

To start out, the town was small but that has nothing to do with this story. This story is the story of a boy, who by all means looked the image of perfection. His clothes were all neatly pressed and his dad was the largest business man in their small town and so therefore, his son was a big deal as well.

You see, Niall was perfect in every way to every girl he encountered. Perhaps it was his boyish charm or the short breathy laughter he gave out when someone said something funny. It could have been his blue eyes that were like a drink of cool water on a hot day. But to Aoife however, it was everything he didn't show that made her attracted to him. Past the sparkling smile and loud laughter, Aoife saw the way he slightly flinched when one of his friends playfully hit his arm. She saw the way he looked at nothing as if the very world beneath him was swallowing his soul.

To say the least, Niall was good at covering up his emotions, but Aoife was better at deciphering them.

This story is about them. Two people who couldn't be farther apart from each other. It wasn't fate that brought them together but a desperate need for a book and a bad day at home.

This is how their story begins; a particularly cold summer morning in the science fiction center of the library.

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