7. untruth

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"Who were you with?"

"Nobody." Aoife says walking past Patricia.

Ever persistent, Patricia barges through the door of the room that Aoife begged for when she turned 16. A girl needed privacy, especially when her guardian cares so much about what she was doing 24/7.

Aoife sighs, "It was my partner for the end of term project we were assigned." The lie comes smoothly off her tongue.

"You better hope that's all he is missy because you know how I feel about boys, they pry. And that one in particular seems nosy" Patricia shoves her a little, not hard enough to really hurt Aoife but just hard enough to annoy her.

Aoife closes the door to her room where she can finally be alone. She takes out her small phone, it is by no means a smart phone but it's the best she could afford. She had saved up weeks worth of babysitting money and had kept a particularly keen eye on the loose change that seemed to find it's way into the couch and had bought it just after her 16th birthday. Patricia has no rights to take the phone or use it as leverage and it is the only thing in Aoife's life that is her own.

Earlier she had pulled it out and Niall had stared at it like it was from another planet. He had asked her for her number in the off chance that she wished to be around him again. She had reluctantly typed in her number.

Now, she sat quietly on her twin sized bed and stared at the ceiling, thinking of the trouble she would get in because of that stupid blonde prick.

"When can I see you again?"

A text made its way on to her phone. She could only assume it was from Niall.

"I'm not sure." She replied.

"That's not a definitive answer."

Aiofe's head was beginning to hurt.

"As it shouldn't be. I don't know you."

"We can meet at the pitch tomorrow for lunch. I'll pack us some food?"

"I'm not saying yes."

"But you aren't saying no either :)"

Aoife sighs and tosses her phone on the bed. Her heart beats a little faster than it normally does and when she rests her hand on her cheek, it feels warm. Perhaps she's getting sick?

Or perhaps it's something much worse, a little voice in her head pipes up.

On second thought, Aoife wishes for the flu.

Hi guys! Don't hate me because this is sooooooo long after my last post but to be fair, college is kicking my butt and I'm meticulous about what I upload.

Please let me know what you think, (good and bad) your suggestions are always welcome. Thanks for reading this if you are. I hope to see y'all soon.

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